Properties for cCJUnRememberFieldMenuItem

View property list in alphabetical order


Inherited Properties from cCJMenuItem

pbAddToDesignerMenuDetermines if the item should be added to the end user configuration dialog tab page
pbControlBeginGroupDesignates a group by adding a separator line before the menu or toolbar item
pbControlCloseSubMenuDetermine if a popup menu should close after an item is selected
pbControlDoubleGripperDetermines whether menu items that are checked will have both a check mark and an image next to them in the popup menu
pbControlFlagControlStretchedDetermines whether to stretch a control to fill the maximum available width if the control is in the menubar
pbControlFlagLeftPopupDetermines if the popup will start from the left side of the control that was clicked
pbControlFlagNoMovableDetermines if the user will be able to move or edit the control
pbControlFlagRightAlignDetermines if the control is right aligned
pbControlFlagShowPopupBarToolTipDetermines if a tool tip should be displayed for a popup menu item
pbControlFlagWrapRowDetermines if item in a menubar, toolbar or popup menu should wrap to the next "row"
pbControlPopupToolBarSets the specified toolbar to popup
peControlStyleSpecifies if the control's icon and or caption is displayed.
peControlTypeDetermines the type of the control (Button, Popup, combo, etc.)
phoActionDetermines the cCJAction object associated with this cCJMenuItem object

Inherited Properties from cCJAction

pbActiveUpdateDetermines if this action should be actively updated via the idle timer
pbCheckedDetrmines if an item is checked
pbEnabledDetrmines if an item is enabled
pbVisibleDetrmines if an item is visible
piIconIdA unique Id used to identify an image in the imagelist. Can be used to dynamically assign images to an action
piIdThis is a unique ID assigned to an action (value is auto-assigned)
piShortCutKeyAssigns a Codejock maintained shortcut key to an item action
psCaptionGets and sets the caption text that appears in a menu or toolbar item
psCategoryAssigns a category for the action which is used in the menu designer and in the end user configure dialog
psDescriptionGets and sets the description text for a menu or toolbar item that appears in the statusbar's idle pane
psImageAssigns the standard image for this action
psImageCheckedAssigns the checked image for this action
psImageDisabledAssigns the disabled image for this action
psImageHotAssigns the hot (hover over) image for this action
psImagePressedAssigns the pressed image for this action
psShortcutGets and sets the shortcut key text that appears to the right in a menu item
psToolTipGets and sets the tool tip text that appears when an item is highlighted

Inherited Properties from cCJCommandBarAction

ComCaptionExposes the Caption Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class
ComCategoryExposes the Category Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class
ComCheckedExposes the Checked Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class
ComCustomShortcutTextExposes the CustomShortcutText Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class
ComDescriptionTextExposes the DescriptionText Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class
ComEditHintExposes the EditHint Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class
ComEnabledExposes the Enabled Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class
ComIconIdExposes the IconId Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class
ComIdExposes the Id Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class
ComKeyExposes the Key Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class
ComKeyboardTipExposes the KeyboardTip Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class
ComShortcutTextExposes the ShortcutText Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class
ComTagExposes the Tag Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class
ComTooltipTextExposes the TooltipText Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class
ComVisibleExposes the Visible Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class

Inherited Properties from DfComAutomationObject

peAutoCreateManipulates COM Object instantiation
psLicenseKeyContains the license key for Automation objects using a run-time license
psProgIDHolds the CLSID (class ID) of the COM class represented
pvComObjectReturns an IDispatch pointer to the external COM object

Inherited Properties from cObject

Child_CountReturns the number of child objects the object contains
Delegation_ModeDetermines if and how unknown messages are delegated
NameReturns the full name of the object including parentage
Object_IdReturns the object handle of the object, can be used to determine if an object exists
Object_LabelReturns the short name of an object
ParentReturns the parent of an object
peNeighborhoodDetermines how an object and its descendents participate in object neighborhood referencing