Name | Description |
Inherited Properties from cCJMenuItem | |
pbAddToDesignerMenu | Determines if the item should be added to the end user configuration dialog tab page |
pbControlBeginGroup | Designates a group by adding a separator line before the menu or toolbar item |
pbControlCloseSubMenu | Determine if a popup menu should close after an item is selected |
pbControlDoubleGripper | Determines whether menu items that are checked will have both a check mark and an image next to them in the popup menu |
pbControlFlagControlStretched | Determines whether to stretch a control to fill the maximum available width if the control is in the menubar |
pbControlFlagLeftPopup | Determines if the popup will start from the left side of the control that was clicked |
pbControlFlagNoMovable | Determines if the user will be able to move or edit the control |
pbControlFlagRightAlign | Determines if the control is right aligned |
pbControlFlagShowPopupBarToolTip | Determines if a tool tip should be displayed for a popup menu item |
pbControlFlagWrapRow | Determines if item in a menubar, toolbar or popup menu should wrap to the next "row" |
pbControlPopupToolBar | Sets the specified toolbar to popup |
peControlStyle | Specifies if the control's icon and or caption is displayed. |
peControlType | Determines the type of the control (Button, Popup, combo, etc.) |
phoAction | Determines the cCJAction object associated with this cCJMenuItem object |
Inherited Properties from cCJAction | |
pbActiveUpdate | Determines if this action should be actively updated via the idle timer |
pbChecked | Detrmines if an item is checked |
pbEnabled | Detrmines if an item is enabled |
pbVisible | Detrmines if an item is visible |
piIconId | A unique Id used to identify an image in the imagelist. Can be used to dynamically assign images to an action |
piId | This is a unique ID assigned to an action (value is auto-assigned) |
piShortCutKey | Assigns a Codejock maintained shortcut key to an item action |
psCaption | Gets and sets the caption text that appears in a menu or toolbar item |
psCategory | Assigns a category for the action which is used in the menu designer and in the end user configure dialog |
psDescription | Gets and sets the description text for a menu or toolbar item that appears in the statusbar's idle pane |
psImage | Assigns the standard image for this action |
psImageChecked | Assigns the checked image for this action |
psImageDisabled | Assigns the disabled image for this action |
psImageHot | Assigns the hot (hover over) image for this action |
psImagePressed | Assigns the pressed image for this action |
psShortcut | Gets and sets the shortcut key text that appears to the right in a menu item |
psToolTip | Gets and sets the tool tip text that appears when an item is highlighted |
Inherited Properties from cCJCommandBarAction | |
ComCaption | Exposes the Caption Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class |
ComCategory | Exposes the Category Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class |
ComChecked | Exposes the Checked Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class |
ComCustomShortcutText | Exposes the CustomShortcutText Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class |
ComDescriptionText | Exposes the DescriptionText Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class |
ComEditHint | Exposes the EditHint Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class |
ComEnabled | Exposes the Enabled Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class |
ComIconId | Exposes the IconId Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class |
ComId | Exposes the Id Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class |
ComKey | Exposes the Key Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class |
ComKeyboardTip | Exposes the KeyboardTip Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class |
ComShortcutText | Exposes the ShortcutText Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class |
ComTag | Exposes the Tag Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class |
ComTooltipText | Exposes the TooltipText Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class |
ComVisible | Exposes the Visible Codejock COM property in the DataFlex proxy class |
Inherited Properties from DfComAutomationObject | |
peAutoCreate | Manipulates COM Object instantiation |
psLicenseKey | Contains the license key for Automation objects using a run-time license |
psProgID | Holds the CLSID (class ID) of the COM class represented |
pvComObject | Returns an IDispatch pointer to the external COM object |
Inherited Properties from cObject | |
Child_Count | Returns the number of child objects the object contains |
Delegation_Mode | Determines if and how unknown messages are delegated |
Name | Returns the full name of the object including parentage |
Object_Id | Returns the object handle of the object, can be used to determine if an object exists |
Object_Label | Returns the short name of an object |
Parent | Returns the parent of an object |
peNeighborhood | Determines how an object and its descendents participate in object neighborhood referencing |