Procedure OnControlValueChanged
The OnControlValueChanged event notifies the control that the Value Property in the ActiveX control has changed.
You will very likely never need to augment this event, but instead tell the control which existing COM event in the control to bind to (call this event from). You will only need to do this in cases where the class generator cannot properly identify the correct event.
To use it, you'll need to identify the events in the control that Get the data value and make them call OnControlValueChanged. The name of this 'change event' is defined by the ActiveX control and could be any name.
For example, the CodeJock DateTimePicker control's change event property happens to be called OnComChange, so the code that must be created is:
Procedure OnComChange Send OnControlValueChanged End_Procedure
You may also need to identify the the messages in the control that Get and Set its data value and create Get ControlValue and Set ControlValue methods. These methods should be written to Get and Set the ActiveX control's 'real value' property using the ControlValue property. See ControlValue for more information on doing so.