Procedure OnCreate
The OnCreate event is always sent right after a COM object is created. You should write an OnCreate event handler to initialize the properties of a COM object when it is created.
It is important to understand the difference between when a COM object is created and when its DataFlex wrapper object is created. This is discussed in detail in the topic COM Object Life Span.
It is always safe to set the properties of a COM object inside of the OnCreate event handler. It is also good practice to always Forward Send OnCreate when augmenting this event handler.
Below is an example of setting the calendar ActiveX control's properties inside the OnCreate event.
Object oCalendar1 is a cComCalendar Set Size to 104 223 Set Location to 3 5 Embed_ActiveX_Resource // The ActiveX properties will be embedded in the control's source code here in binary format. End_Embed_ActiveX_Resource Procedure OnCreate Forward Send OnCreate // Set the calendar's date to today's date Send ComToday // don't show the calendar's title Set ComShowTitle To False End_Procedure End_Object // oCalendar1