ConnectionIdCLIHandler - cConnection

Returns a handle for the CLI object associated with the passed Connection ID, tests if Connection ID is registered

Type: Function

Return Data Type: Handle

Parameters: String sId

sIdConnection ID

Return Value

Handle to cCLIHandler object. If it returns 0, the ID is not registered.

Function ConnectionIdCLIHandler String sId Returns Handle

Call: Get ConnectionIdCLIHandler sId to HandleVariable


Returns a handle for the CLI object associated with the passed Connection ID.

When a driver is registered, a cCLIHandler object is created for this driver. All connections IDs for a driver can access and use the handle.

The DriverCLIHandler method can be used to access the same CLI object via a driver name.

ConnectionIdCLIHandler can also be used to test if a Connection ID is registered. If it returns 0, the ID is not registered. ConnectionIdIndex can be used for the same purpose.