RegisterDriver - cConnection

Used to load and register managed drivers

Type: Function

Return Data Type: Handle

Parameters: String sDriver

hsDriverDriver Name

Return Value

0 if driver cannot be loaded, handle of the cCLIHandler object if it can.

Function RegisterDriver String sDriver Returns Handle

Call: Get RegisterDriver sDriver to HandleVariable


RegisterDriver is used to load and register managed drivers.

If the driver is not yet loaded it will load it. If the driver is not yet registered, it will register it.

When the driver is registered, a cCLIHandler is created for this object, which may then be accessed using the DriverCLIHandler method. After the driver is registered, the OnDriverRegistered event is sent.

If the driver is already registered, this does nothing. If the driver cannot be found or it does not support managed connections, an error will be raised.

Remember that you will probably never send this message, as this is sent when a connection is added.