Methods for cConnection

View method list in alphabetical order

AddAllConnectionsFunctionReads all connections and registers all active connections
AddConnectionFunctionRegisters and adds a Connection ID for the driver
AssembleConnectionStringFunctionHelper function that assembles a complete ODBC Server String from components passed in
AutoConnectProcedureRegisters all connections by sending RegisterAllConnections and logs in to all connections by sending LoginAll
AutoDisconnectProcedureDisconnects and unregsters all connections when a workspace is opened
ChangeConnectIdCredentialsFunctionChanges login credentials for a Connection ID
ConfigurationErrorProcedureSent when a configuration error occurs
ConnectionDatabaseIdHandleFunctionReturns handle to the database for the passed in connection
ConnectionIdCLIHandlerFunctionReturns a handle for the CLI object associated with the passed Connection ID, tests if Connection ID is registered
ConnectionIdIndexFunctionReturns the index for the passed Connection ID within the internal array of connections described in ConnectionIDs, tests if Connection ID is registered
ConnectionIdInfoFunctionReturns complete and up to date information for a registered connection
ConnectionIDsFunctionArray of registered Connection IDs
ConnectionIDServerStringFunctionReturns the Connection Id syntax used for IDs in the INT file
ConnectionIniFileFunctionReturns the full path name of the Connection INI file
ConnectionIniFromCmdLineFunctionReturns Connection.Ini file name if it was passed into the application on the command line
CreateESQLConnectionHandlerFunctionCreates an SQL Connection Handler
DecryptPasswordFunctionUsed to decrypt a password
DeleteConnectionIDProcedureRemoves a registered connection for a passed Connection ID
DriverCLIHandlerFunctionReturns a handle for the CLI object associated with the passed driver, tests if driver is registered
DriverIndexFunctionReturns the index for a loaded driver
DriverServerNamesFunctionReturns an array of logged in servers for the passed driver
EncryptPasswordFunctionUsed to encrypt a password
EnumerateConnectionsProcedureLists the currently registered Connection Ids
IsConnectionIdLoggedInFunctionTests if the connection identified by the passed connection Id is logged in to database server
LoadedDriversFunctionReturns a string array of all loaded drivers, both managed and unmanaged
LoadStoredConnectionsFunctionUsed to read the connections INI file
LoginAllProcedureLogs in to all managed connections
LoginAllConnectionsFunctionAttempts to log in to all managed connections
LoginConnectIdBaseFunctionAttempts the actual login
LoginConnectIdDialogFunctionPops up a database login dialog, which will allow the user to log in and store the login credentials
LoginConnectIdNewCredentialsFunctionAttempts a Connection Id login using Id with passed credentials
LoginConnectionIdFunctionAttempts to log in the connection identified by the passed connection ID
LoginServerFunctionLogin to this Managed Connection via a Driver and Connection String
LogoutAllConnectionsProcedurePerforms a log out of all connections
LogoutConnectionIdProcedurePerforms a log out for a passed Connection ID
RedirectConnectionIdFunctionRedirects a connection from one Server String to another without closing any tables
RegisterAllConnectionsProcedureReads all connections and registers all active connections
RegisterDriverFunctionUsed to load and register managed drivers
SQLConnectionByTableFunctionReturns a connection handle for the connection being used by an open table
SQLConnectionIdFunctionReturns an SQL connection handle
StoreConnectionIdCredentialsFunctionUsed to store login credentials (user name, password and trusted-connection) in the connections INI file
TestDriverConformanceFunctionUsed to test of the driver can be used as a managed driver
TrapErrorsProcedureStarts error trapping
UnRegisterAllConnectionsProcedureRemoves all registered Connection IDs
UnTrapErrorsProcedureStops error trapping and errors are now redirected to the standard error handler

Inherited Methods from cObject

ChildByIndexFunctionCan be used to iterate the direct children of an object
ClassSuperClassFunctionReturns the superclass of the passed class
CreateFunctionCreates an object based on the passed Class Id
CreateNamedFunctionCreates an object based on the passed Class Id and assigns it a name Name based on a passed name
DestroyProcedureDestroys the object that receives the message and any child objects of that object
Exit_ApplicationProcedureStarts the process of closing an application
IsClassOfClassFunctionDetermines whether the target class is part of the searched class's hierarchy
IsObjectOfClassFunctionDetermines whether the passed class is part of the object's class hierarchy
ObjectClassFunctionReturns the integer class ID assigned to the class this object is based on
Request_Destroy_ObjectProcedureUse the Destroy method instead [Obsolete]