Name | Type | Description |
AddAllConnections | Function | Reads all connections and registers all active connections |
AddConnection | Function | Registers and adds a Connection ID for the driver |
AssembleConnectionString | Function | Helper function that assembles a complete ODBC Server String from components passed in |
AutoConnect | Procedure | Registers all connections by sending RegisterAllConnections and logs in to all connections by sending LoginAll |
AutoDisconnect | Procedure | Disconnects and unregsters all connections when a workspace is opened |
ChangeConnectIdCredentials | Function | Changes login credentials for a Connection ID |
ConfigurationError | Procedure | Sent when a configuration error occurs |
ConnectionDatabaseIdHandle | Function | Returns handle to the database for the passed in connection |
ConnectionIdCLIHandler | Function | Returns a handle for the CLI object associated with the passed Connection ID, tests if Connection ID is registered |
ConnectionIdIndex | Function | Returns the index for the passed Connection ID within the internal array of connections described in ConnectionIDs, tests if Connection ID is registered |
ConnectionIdInfo | Function | Returns complete and up to date information for a registered connection |
ConnectionIDs | Function | Array of registered Connection IDs |
ConnectionIDServerString | Function | Returns the Connection Id syntax used for IDs in the INT file |
ConnectionIniFile | Function | Returns the full path name of the Connection INI file |
ConnectionIniFromCmdLine | Function | Returns Connection.Ini file name if it was passed into the application on the command line |
CreateESQLConnectionHandler | Function | Creates an SQL Connection Handler |
DecryptPassword | Function | Used to decrypt a password |
DeleteConnectionID | Procedure | Removes a registered connection for a passed Connection ID |
DriverCLIHandler | Function | Returns a handle for the CLI object associated with the passed driver, tests if driver is registered |
DriverIndex | Function | Returns the index for a loaded driver |
DriverServerNames | Function | Returns an array of logged in servers for the passed driver |
EncryptPassword | Function | Used to encrypt a password |
EnumerateConnections | Procedure | Lists the currently registered Connection Ids |
IsConnectionIdLoggedIn | Function | Tests if the connection identified by the passed connection Id is logged in to database server |
LoadedDrivers | Function | Returns a string array of all loaded drivers, both managed and unmanaged |
LoadStoredConnections | Function | Used to read the connections INI file |
LoginAll | Procedure | Logs in to all managed connections |
LoginAllConnections | Function | Attempts to log in to all managed connections |
LoginConnectIdBase | Function | Attempts the actual login |
LoginConnectIdDialog | Function | Pops up a database login dialog, which will allow the user to log in and store the login credentials |
LoginConnectIdNewCredentials | Function | Attempts a Connection Id login using Id with passed credentials |
LoginConnectionId | Function | Attempts to log in the connection identified by the passed connection ID |
LoginServer | Function | Login to this Managed Connection via a Driver and Connection String |
LogoutAllConnections | Procedure | Performs a log out of all connections |
LogoutConnectionId | Procedure | Performs a log out for a passed Connection ID |
RedirectConnectionId | Function | Redirects a connection from one Server String to another without closing any tables |
RegisterAllConnections | Procedure | Reads all connections and registers all active connections |
RegisterDriver | Function | Used to load and register managed drivers |
SQLConnectionByTable | Function | Returns a connection handle for the connection being used by an open table |
SQLConnectionId | Function | Returns an SQL connection handle |
StoreConnectionIdCredentials | Function | Used to store login credentials (user name, password and trusted-connection) in the connections INI file |
TestDriverConformance | Function | Used to test of the driver can be used as a managed driver |
TrapErrors | Procedure | Starts error trapping |
UnRegisterAllConnections | Procedure | Removes all registered Connection IDs |
UnTrapErrors | Procedure | Stops error trapping and errors are now redirected to the standard error handler |
Inherited Methods from cObject | ||
ChildByIndex | Function | Can be used to iterate the direct children of an object |
ClassSuperClass | Function | Returns the superclass of the passed class |
Create | Function | Creates an object based on the passed Class Id |
CreateNamed | Function | Creates an object based on the passed Class Id and assigns it a name Name based on a passed name |
Destroy | Procedure | Destroys the object that receives the message and any child objects of that object |
Exit_Application | Procedure | Starts the process of closing an application |
IsClassOfClass | Function | Determines whether the target class is part of the searched class's hierarchy |
IsObjectOfClass | Function | Determines whether the passed class is part of the object's class hierarchy |
ObjectClass | Function | Returns the integer class ID assigned to the class this object is based on |
Request_Destroy_Object | Procedure | Use the Destroy method instead [Obsolete] |