Parameter | Description |
iIndex | Array index of member |
Handle of JSON object
Function MemberByIndex Integer iIndex Returns Handle
Call: | Get MemberByIndex iIndex to HandleVariable |
Get a member object its index. Can be used for enumerating object properties and to access array items.
The JsonType and MemberJsonType functions can be used to determine the type of a specific node.
A JSON document should be seen as a tree of objects, arrays and simple type nodes as leaves. A cJsonObject instance represents a single node in that tree and there are several API's available to traverse the tree. The JsonType and MemberJsonType functions can be used to determine the type of a specific node.
The MemberCount function returns the number of members on an object or an array and using Member or MemberByIndex members can be enumerated. When Member or MemberByIndex is used to obtain a handle to a member node, this handle needs to be destroyed manually. Note that destroying a member handle does not actually change the JSON document.
The example below enumerates a JSON object showing information about its members. It outputs the following:
Member 'name' of type 6
Member 'details' of type 4
Handle hoJson hoMember Integer iMem iType String sName Boolean bSuccess Get Create (RefClass(cJsonObject)) to hoJson Get ParseString of hoJson '{"name" : "John", "details" : {"age" : 31, "male" : true}}' to bSuccess If (bSuccess) Begin For iMem from 0 to (MemberCount(hoJson) - 1) Get MemberNameByIndex of hoJson iMem to sName Get MemberByIndex of hoJson iMem to hoMember Get JsonType of hoMember to iType Showln (SFormat("Member '%1' of type %2", sName, iType)) Send Destroy of hoMember Loop End Begin Send ReportParseError of hoJson End Send Destroy of hoJsonSee Also