Name | Description | Defining Class
| AllowServerAction | Provides a basic hook for controlling server actions based on user rights | cBaseLocalControlHost |
Command | Sent from external controls | DfComUIObject |
Construct_Object | Object constructor. Initializes the object during object creation in class definitions | cObject |
Destroy_Object | Sent when an object is about to be destroyed | cObject |
End_Construct_Object | End of object constructor. | cObject |
Entering_Scope | Sent to the object if its scope_state is true, and one of the objects within its scope takes the focus | cUIObject |
Error_Report | Used by the error object to display errors | cUIObject |
Exiting | Fires when the focus is about to move to a new object, sent to the object losing the focus | cUIObject |
Exiting_Scope | Sent whenever the focus is moving to an object that is outside the current scope | cUIObject |
Key | Augmented to implement the GUI keyboard interface | DfComUIObject |
Mouse_Click | Sent whenever the first button of the mouse is double clicked on an item or in the edit window of the object | cUIObject |
Mouse_Click2 | Sent whenever the second button of the mouse is double clicked on an item or in the edit window of the object | cUIObject |
Mouse_Down | Sent whenever the first button of the mouse is pressed down while on an item or in the edit window of the object | cUIObject |
Mouse_Down2 | Sent whenever the second button of the mouse is pressed down while on an item or in the edit window of the object | cUIObject |
Mouse_Drag | Sent whenever the first button of the mouse is being held down while users drag the mouse cursor from one item or edit line of the object to the next | cUIObject |
Mouse_Drag2 | Sent whenever the second button of the mouse is being held down while users drag the mouse cursor from one item or edit line of the object to the next | cUIObject |
Mouse_Up | Sent whenever the first button of the mouse is released while on an item is in the edit window of the object | cUIObject |
Mouse_Up2 | Sent whenever the second button of the mouse is released while on an item is in the edit window of the object | cUIObject |
OnBeginningOfPanel | Sent by panel to notify all its objects when a beginning_of_panel message is executed | cComActiveXControl |
OnCallEnd | Called at the end of a webapp client call | cBaseLocalControlHost |
OnCapturePreviewCompleted | Sent when the capturing of a preview image is completed | cWebView2Browser |
OnChange | Can perform a task each time the ActiveX control's 'binded' property is changed | cComActiveXControl |
OnChildWrapping | Called any time a wrapping event occurs | cUIObject |
OnContentLoading | Sent as part of a navigation operation when the browser starts loading content for the new page | cWebView2Browser |
OnControlValueChanged | Notifies the control that the Value Property in the ActiveX control has changed | cComActiveXControl |
OnCreate | Fires when the control is created (paged) and can be augmented to do extra configuration | cLocalWebControlHost |
OnDefineScriptIncludes | Called when generating the virtual HTML | cLocalWebControlHost |
OnDocumentTitleChanged | Sent whenever the document title of the top level document changes | cWebView2Browser |
OnEnterArea | Hook for entering an area, sent to the entered object's container and its parent containers | cUIObject |
OnEnterObject | Hook for entering an object, sent to the entered object | cUIObject |
OnExecuteScriptFinished | Sent whenever a script executed using ExecuteScript is finished | cWebView2Browser |
OnExitArea | Hook for exiting an area, sent to the exited object's container and its parent containers | cUIObject |
OnExitObject | Hook for exiting an object, sent to the exited object | cUIObject |
OnGeneratePageTitle | Triggered when the page title is automatically updated and allows developers to customize the title format | |
OnGetNavigateBackData | Called during a NavigateClose operation, used to pass data back for a non-relational lookup in a mobile web application (drilldown interface) | cBaseLocalControlHost |
OnGetNavigateForwardData | Can be used by the developer to customize the data in tWebNavigateData during forward navigation in a mobile web application (drilldown interface) | cBaseLocalControlHost |
OnHistoryChanged | Sent whenever the browser history changes | cWebView2Browser |
OnHistoryPopState | Called when the back button is used in the browser and the history item was pushed using HistoryPushState | cBaseLocalControlHost |
OnInitializeLocales | Sent when the cWebApp object is loaded to the client (the user loads the page) | cBaseLocalControlHost |
OnKillFocus | Sent whenever the object is about to lose the focus | cComActiveXControl |
OnLoad | Called for each cWebObject during LoadView or LoadWebApp | cBaseLocalControlHost |
OnLocationHashChange | Contains the location hash part of the URL | cBaseLocalControlHost |
OnNavigateBack | Sent to the object that invoked the view that is being closed in a mobile web application (drilldown interface) | cBaseLocalControlHost |
OnNavigationCompleted | Sent when the entire navigation process is finished | cWebView2Browser |
OnNewWindowRequested | Sent when the page (via a script or a link) requests a new browser window | cWebView2Browser |
OnOrientationChange | Fired when the orientation changes on a mobile device | cBaseLocalControlHost |
OnPermissionRequested | Sent when the page requires a specific permission | cWebView2Browser |
OnPostInitialize | Called as the last step of the initialization of the WebApp just before pbInitWebApp becomes false | cBaseLocalControlHost |
OnResizeWindow | Fired when the window size of the browser changes at runtime and during initialization | cBaseLocalControlHost |
OnScriptDialogOpening | Sent when the page tries to open a script dialog | cWebView2Browser |
OnSourceChanged | Sent when the top level page source changes due to a navigation to a different page | cWebView2Browser |
OnSyncWebApp | Called each time a client makes a call to the server | |
OnWindowCloseRequested | Sent when the page requests to close the window | cWebView2Browser |
OnZoomFactorChanged | Sent when the zoom level is changed by the user | cWebView2Browser |
Page | Used internally to create a Windows control for a DataFlex object | cUIObject |
Prompt_Callback | Sends a callback event to an object that requested a prompt object | cComActiveXControl |
Shadow_Display | Called whenever a change in shadow state occurs, or when an object is paged | cComActiveXControl |