Name | Type | Description |
ConcatViewStateHash | Function | Concatenates the different parts of a view state hash into a single view state hash string |
CurrentView | Function | Determines the currently shown view |
GetDefaultView | Function | Returns a handle to the application's default view |
IsViewInSync | Function | Determines if a view is in sync |
IsViewLoaded | Function | Determines if a view is loaded on the client |
NavigatePathBegin | Procedure | Performs a NavigateBegin to the view passed as the first parameter |
NavigateToStateHash | Procedure | Can be called to manually restore a specific application state |
ParseViewStateHash | Procedure | Parses a view state hash into the different pieces that make up one |
RestoreState | Procedure | Restores the based on the passed state hash |
SetStateHash | Procedure | Changes the currently active state hash |
StateHash | Function | Returns the currently active state hash |
StateHashToUrl | Procedure | Called to convert a state hash into a URL |
UnloadView | Procedure | Removes a specific view or dialog from the client |
VirtualInitScript | Function | Generates the JavaScript executed during page load to initialize the WebApp framework |
Inherited Methods from cLocalWebControlHost | ||
HtmlPath | Function | Determines the path to AppHtml |
ReportFatalError | Procedure | Called when a fatal error occurs while parsing a request received from the page |
VirtualHtml | Function | Generates the HTML loaded into the control host |
VirtualUrl | Function | Generates the URL that is loaded within the browser instance |
Inherited Methods from cBaseLocalControlHost | ||
AddResponseAttachment | Function | Adds an attachment to the response |
AppSynching | Function | Returns True if the application is in an initializing state |
CallBack | Procedure | Use this procedure to delay a task to a new server round-trip |
ClientAction | Procedure | Calls a function of the client JavaScript object |
ClientActionEx | Procedure | Adds a client action to the response that will be executed on the client |
ClientLog | Procedure | Displays a diagnostic string on the client's JavaScript debugging console |
ClientResize | Procedure | Forces a full resize on the client |
ClientTranslations | Function | Returns translations in an array of name value structs |
DEO_Object | Function | Determines if the object understands the DEO interface |
DEOControlFocusObject | Function | Returns the object handle of the object representing the currently focused control on the client if the control supports the full data binding interface |
DEOFocusObject | Function | Returns the object handle of the object representing the currently focused control on the client if the control supports the data entry object interface |
FocusObject | Function | Returns the object handle of the object representing the currently focused control on the client |
GetParentWidget | Function | |
GetReportsCache | Function | Returns the web application's Report Cache directory |
HistoryPushState | Procedure | Pushes a new history item to the history stack |
HistoryReplaceState | Procedure | Replaces the top level item on the history stack (so no new history item is added) |
Host | Function | Returns a Handle to the Host object of this web object |
InitDynamicProp | Procedure | Sets a dynamic property value |
Initializing | Function | Determines whether the WebApp host (cWebApp or cLocalControlHost) is still initializing (objects are being created and initialized) |
IsDynamicObject | Function | Checks whether the object is dynamic or not |
IsLoaded | Function | Checks if the webobject is loaded to the client |
NavigateInfo | Function | Returns array of navigation paths that the current object has registered |
NavigateNewWindow | Procedure | Opens a URL in a new browser window with specified height and width. |
NavigatePath | Procedure | Performs the navigation registered for this web object |
NavigateRefresh | Procedure | Reloads web application in the browser |
NavigateToPage | Procedure | Opens a URL in a new browser tab, a new browser window or replaces your web application |
ptActionData | Function | Retrieves the action data for a server action as value tree |
RequestAttachment | Function | Retrieves an attachment from the request based on its index |
SetActionMode | Procedure | Allows developer to configure a wait dialog for every server action |
SetPageTitle | Procedure | Sets the page's HTML title element dynamically |
ShowInfoBox | Procedure | Displays a modal information dialog with a message and a caption |
ShowMessageBox | Procedure | Displays a web message box |
ShowYesNo | Procedure | Displays an information dialog with Yes and No buttons |
ShowYesNoCancel | Procedure | Displays an information dialog with Yes, No and Cancel buttons |
UnSyncWebProperty | Procedure | Unsynchronizes a client web property |
UploadFolder | Function | Determines the path to the default upload folder |
ValidLogin | Function | Determines if a login is required to access the web application |
WebMethodByName | Function | Searches for the message handle of a message based on the name of a web method |
WebMethodIsFunction | Function | Determines if a web method is a function or a procedure |
WebMethodName | Function | Converts the message handle of a web method into a string |
WebObjectByName | Function | Searches for the object handle of a web object using its public name |
WebObjectName | Function | The public web object name of this object |
Inherited Methods from cWebView2Browser | ||
AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreated | Procedure | Adds a script that will be executed during the loading of the future documents |
AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreated | Function | Adds a script that will be executed during the loading of the future documents |
AddWebResourceRequestedFilter | Procedure | Sets up a resource request filter that will enable the OnWebResourceRequested for these requests |
CapturePreview | Procedure | Captures the currently displayed document into an image |
ClearVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping | Procedure | Clears a virtual hostname mapping created using SetVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping |
ExecuteScript | Procedure | Executes a script within the current top-level document of the WebView2 control |
ExecuteScript | Function | Executes a script within the current top-level document of the WebView2 control |
GoBack | Procedure | Navigates one step back in the browser history |
GoForward | Procedure | Navigates one step forward in the browser history |
Navigate | Procedure | Initiates a browser navigation to the provided URL |
NavigateToString | Procedure | Renders the provided HTML as top-level document |
OpenDevToolsWindow | Procedure | Opens the developer tools window |
PostWebMessageAsJson | Procedure | Posts a message to the document loaded inside the WebView2 control |
PostWebMessageAsJsonHandle | Procedure | Posts a message to the document loaded inside the WebView2 control |
PostWebMessageAsString | Procedure | Posts a message to the document loaded inside the WebView2 control |
Reload | Procedure | Reloads the current document |
RemoveScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreated | Procedure | Removes a script that is added using AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreated |
RemoveWebResourceRequestedFilter | Procedure | Removes a resource request filter that was previously set up using AddWebResourceRequestedFilter |
SetVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping | Procedure | Creates a virtual mapping between the provided host name and a local folder on disk |
Stop | Procedure | Stops all navigations and pending resource fetches |
WebMessageAdditionalFileObjectPaths | Function | Can be used to query file paths of additional file objects passed with a WebMessage |
WebResourceRequestContent | Function | Use this function inside OnWebResourceRequested to query the HTTP request body of the current resource request |
WebResourceRequestHeader | Function | Use this function inside OnWebResourceRequested to query a specific HTTP header value of the current resource request |
WebResourceResponseSet | Procedure | Can be used inside OnWebResourceRequested to set additional header values for the response. |
WebResourceResponseSetHeader | Procedure | Use inside OnWebResourceRequested to set additional HTTP headers on the response when overriding the response using WebResourceResponseSet |
Inherited Methods from cComActiveXControl | ||
Beginning_of_Panel | Procedure | Gives the focus to the first item in the first object in the current parent-child hierarchy |
Bottom_of_Panel | Procedure | Activates the last child object of this object that is a DEO, if any |
DoHtmlHelp | Procedure | Launches Compiled HTML Help |
End_of_Panel | Procedure | Gives the focus to the last item in the last object in the current parent-child hierarchy |
Error_Help | Procedure | [Obsolete] |
Extended_Help | Procedure | [Obsolete] |
File_Help | Procedure | [Obsolete] |
Help | Procedure | Requests Help. Usually invoked by pressing F1 or pressing a Button that sends this message |
Help_For_Help | Procedure | [Obsolete] |
Help_Index | Procedure | [Obsolete] |
Help_on_Topic | Procedure | [Obsolete] |
IsComObjectCreated | Function | Tests to see if a COM object exists by getting the value of IsComObjectCreated |
Keys_Help | Procedure | [Obsolete] |
Next_Object_Id | Function | Called by the switch message to determine the object_id of the next object to go to in the focus tree |
Prior_Object_Id | Function | Called by the switch_back message to determine the object_id of the previous object to go to in the focus tree |
Request_Status_Help | Procedure | Sent when an object is about to take or lose the focus |
ReSize_Label | Procedure | Called to resize the object's label after a font change |
Switch_Next_Area | Procedure | Moves the focus to the next "area" within a view |
Switch_Prior_Area | Procedure | Moves the focus to the previous "area" within a view |
Top_of_Panel | Procedure | Activates the first child object of this object that is a DEO, if any; else activates this object |
Inherited Methods from DfInPlaceComObject | ||
ComAddRef | Procedure | |
ComQueryInterface | Function | |
CreateComObject | Procedure | Sent to create and connect to an instance of the ActiveX control associated with this object |
RegisterComEvent | Procedure | |
RegisterPropertyChangeEvent | Procedure | |
ReleaseComObject | Procedure | Releases ActiveX control associated with this object |
Inherited Methods from DfComUIObject | ||
Adjust_Logicals | Procedure | Sets the logical coordinates for size and location to the best approximations of the actual physical coordinates of the object |
DialogToGui | Function | This is used to convert dialog units to gui units. |
GuiClientSize | Function | This returns an object's client area size as a folded integer value |
GuiToDialog | Function | This is used to convert gui units to dialog units. |
GuiWindowSize | Function | This returns an object's outer window bounding size as a folded value |
Release_Mouse_Capture | Procedure | Restores normal mouse capture |
Inherited Methods from cUIObject | ||
Activate | Procedure | Gives an object the focus (and adds it to the focus tree) |
Activate_Scope | Procedure | Activates objects that are separate tools to the application |
Add_Focus | Procedure | Adds the object into the focus tree at the Next_Level of the hoParent in the focus tree |
Bell | Procedure | Rings the PC bell |
Cancel | Procedure | Used to terminate the current level of a start_ui or ui_accept |
CanCopy | Function | Determines whether a Copy operation can be successfully completed |
CanCut | Function | Determines whether a Cut operation can be successfully completed |
CanDelete | Function | Determines whether a Delete operation can be successfully completed |
CanPaste | Function | Determines whether a Paste operation can be successfully completed |
CanSelect | Function | Determines whether a Select operation can be successfully completed |
CanUndo | Function | Determines whether n Undooperation can be successfully completed |
Confirm | Function | Pops up a "Yes/No" confirmation |
Data_Loss_Confirmation | Function | Pops up a "Yes/No" confirmation for data loss |
Deactivate | Procedure | Removes the object from the focus tree |
Default_Key | Procedure | Used in On_key command to restore standard accelerator for an object |
Delete_Confirmation | Function | Pops up a "Yes/No" confirmation for a delete |
Exit_Loss_Confirmation | Function | Pops up a "Yes/No" confirmation for exit loss |
Item | Procedure Set | Changes the current item to the first or last data item (depending on the value of last) in the displayed range of items |
Line_Delete_Confirmation | Function | Pops up a "Yes/No" confirmation for a line delete |
Line_Save_Confirmation | Function | Pops up a "Yes/No" confirmation for a line save |
Next | Procedure | Moves the focus to the next object in the tab order when the Tab key is pressed |
No_Confirmation | Function | Used to cancel a confirmation message |
None | Procedure | Does nothing - used by on_key and commands to stop a key assignment |
Ok | Procedure | Used on items and accelerator key definitions to terminate the current level of start_ui or ui_accept |
Popup | Procedure | Activates a modal dialog |
Previous | Procedure | Moves the focus to the previous object in the tab order when the Shift+Tab key is pressed |
Save_Confirmation | Function | Pops up a "Yes/No" confirmation for a save |
Stop_UI | Procedure | Terminates a popup_modal message and returns execution to the next line after the one on which this message was sent |
Switch | Procedure | Moves the focus to the object returned by the next_object_id function |
Switch_Back | Procedure | Moves the focus to the object returned by the prior_object_id function |
Switch_Next_Group | Procedure | Moves the focus to the first object in the next_level of the next_object of the prior_level of this object |
Switch_Next_Scope | Procedure | Moves the focus to the scope focus of the next scope |
Switch_Prior_Group | Procedure | Moves the focus to the last object in the prior_level of the prior_object of the next_level of this object |
Switch_Prior_Scope | Procedure | Moves the focus to the scope focus of the prior_scope |
Inherited Methods from cObject | ||
ChildByIndex | Function | Can be used to iterate the direct children of an object |
ClassSuperClass | Function | Returns the superclass of the passed class |
Create | Function | Creates an object based on the passed Class Id |
CreateNamed | Function | Creates an object based on the passed Class Id and assigns it a name Name based on a passed name |
Destroy | Procedure | Destroys the object that receives the message and any child objects of that object |
IsClassOfClass | Function | Determines whether the target class is part of the searched class's hierarchy |
IsObjectOfClass | Function | Determines whether the passed class is part of the object's class hierarchy |
ObjectClass | Function | Returns the integer class ID assigned to the class this object is based on |
Request_Destroy_Object | Procedure | Use the Destroy method instead [Obsolete] |