Name | Description |
pbShowAllRefindErrors | When set true all views will show an unhandled error when a refind record fails - used mainly for testing and debugging |
pbStateAsUrlHash | Determines if the state hash will be added to the URL as URL hash |
pbStateHashInvalidError | Controls if an error will be shown when restoring an invalid state hash (basically entering an incorrect URL) |
pbStateRestoreRecord | Determines whether this view will create a new history item when it is entered |
pbUpdateApplicationTitle | (Client Web Property) |
peApplicationStateMode | Main switch determining the behavior of the WebApp Framework History management |
peApplicationStyle | Determines whether the WebApp uses the Desktop (user-driven) UI or the Mobile/Touch (drilldown) UI |
phoCommandBar | Handle of the web application's command bar object (cWebCommandBar ) |
phoDefaultView | The default view a web application will attempt to load after login |
phoLoginView | The login dialog that handles user ID and password verification |
psApplicationTitle | (Client Web Property) Determines the application title that is shown in the browser |
psBaseHref | (Server Web Property) Determines the base path added in front of the urls generated for history management |
Inherited Properties from cLocalWebControlHost | |
psMemoryHostName | Configures the virtual hostname that will be used to serve the HTML generated when initializing the WebView2 instance |
psVirtualHostName | Configures the virtual host name that will be mapped to the AppHtml folder to load the JavaScript, CSS and other static resources |
Inherited Properties from cBaseLocalControlHost | |
pasBrowserLanguages | (Client Web Property) Use this property to query the preferred languages as they are reported by the browser |
pbDebug | Determines whether the JavaScript Engine runs in debug mode |
pbIsMobile | (Client Web Property) Indicates whether or not the client is detected as a mobile device |
pbLogInvalidRequests | Determines whether invalid requests received from the client result in an error |
pbResponsive | (Client Web Property) Determines whether or not the responsive system is active |
pbScroll | (Client Web Property) Determines whether the container will show a scrollbar (if needed) |
pbServerOnOrientationChange | (Client Web Property) Determines whether server OnOrientationChange event fires |
pbServerOnResizeWindow | (Client Web Property) Determines if the client will trigger the OnResizeWindow event on the server |
peAlignView | (Client Web Property) Controls padding for web views with a maximum width |
peLayoutType | (Client Web Property) Sets the layout type to use for this container: grid or flow |
peMode | (Client Web Property) Indicates the responsive mode in which the client is running |
phoActionJsonData | Handle to a JSON Object representing the action data during a server action |
piBrowserTimezoneOffset | (Client Web Property) Use this property to query the timezone offset in minutes as it is reported by the browser |
piColumnCount | (Client Web Property) Count of colums in the current web group |
piDefaultRowHeight | (Client Web Property) Sets the default minimum row height for each row that is not assigned via psRowHeights |
piHeight | (Client Web Property) The height of the control in pixels |
piMinHeight | (Client Web Property) The minimum height of the container in pixels |
piMinWidth | (Client Web Property) The minimum width of the container in pixels |
piRowCount | (Client Web Property) Sets the minimal amount of rows to display in this grid's container |
piScreenHeight | (Client Web Property) Contains the screen height in pixels of device on which the browser runs |
piScreenWidth | (Client Web Property) Contains the screen width in pixels of device on which the browser runs |
piWidth | (Client Web Property) The width of the panel in pixels |
piWindowHeight | (Client Web Property) Contains the height of the browser window in pixels |
piWindowWidth | (Client Web Property) Contains the width of the browser window in pixels |
psClientOnOrientationChange | (Client Web Property) Name of the client side function to fire during the OnOrientationChange event |
psClientOnResizeWindow | (Client Web Property) Name of the client side function to fire during the OnResizeWindow event |
psColumnWidths | (Client Web Property) Allows custom column width to be specified, overriding the default column width |
psCurrencySymbol | (Client Web Property) The currency symbol used by currency masks throughout your web application |
psDateFormat | (Client Web Property) The date format used to represent date values throughout your web application |
psDateSeparator | (Client Web Property) The date separator character used to represent date values throughout your web application |
psDateTimeFormat | (Client Web Property) Determines the format in which unmasked date time values are shown and in which format they are edited |
psDecimalSeparator | (Client Web Property) The character used to separate the whole number from the decimal fraction for numeric values throughout your web application |
psDefaultColumnWidth | (Client Web Property) Sets the default width value for each column that is not assigned via psColumnWidths |
psDynamicObjectId | The (unique) ID of the dynamic object |
psEncryptPassword | Used by the framework to encrypt values and generation of checksums |
psJSClass | Determines which JavaScript class belongs to the DataFlex class |
psLocationHash | (Client Web Property) |
psRowHeights | (Client Web Property) Allows custom row heights to be specified, overriding the default row height |
psTheme | (Client Web Property) The user interface theme used by the web application |
psThousandsSeparator | (Client Web Property) The character used to separate the each three digits in numeric values greater than 999 throughout your web application |
psTimeFormat | (Client Web Property) Can be set to adjust the format in which time values are shown and edited by your application's DEOs |
psTimeSeparator | (Client Web Property) Determines which separator is used when displaying and editing date time values |
psVersionID | (Client Web Property) |
Inherited Properties from cWebView2Browser | |
Enabled_State | Indicates whether the control can respond to user interaction |
pbAreBrowserAcceleratorKeysEnabled | Controls whether the browser accelerator keys are being processed |
pbAreDefaultContextMenusEnabled | Controls whether the default browser context menu is being shown |
pbAreDefaultScriptDialogsEnabled | Controls whether the browser will show default script dialogs {e.g. alert & confirm) |
pbAreDevToolsEnabled | Controls whether the browser will allow the developer tools to be opened using the default methods |
pbAreHostObjectsAllowed | Determines whether host objects are accessible from the page in WebView |
pbBorderVisible | Determines whether a border is shown around the WebView control |
pbCanGoBack | Controls whether the browser will allow the user to navigate to a previous page in history using accelerator keys or the mouse |
pbCanGoForward | Controls whether the browser will allow the user to navigate to a next page in history using accelerator keys or the mouse |
pbIsBuiltInErrorPageEnabled | Determines whether default browser error pages for navigation and render process failure are shown |
pbIsScriptEnabled | Controls whether scripts within the loaded content are executed or not |
pbIsStatusBarEnabled | Controls whether the status bar is shown by the browser control |
pbIsWebMessageEnabled | Use this property to disable communication using WebMessages between the DataFlex host application and the HTML document |
pbIsZoomControlEnabled | Determines whether the user can change the zoom level of the page using accelerator keys or the mouse |
pePopupMode | Determines if/how popups requested by the page are being displayed |
piBackColor | Determines the default background color visible if no content is loaded in the control |
piBorderColor | Determines the color of the border shown around the WebView control |
piBorderWidth | Deterines the width of the border shown around the WebView control |
piBrowserProcessId | Use this read-only property to determine process ID (PID) of the browser process that hosts the WebView |
prZoomFactor | Determines the zoom factor used to display the current document |
psDocumentTitle | Use this read-only property to get the title of the current document |
psLocationURL | Use this property to query the URL of the currently displayed page |
psUserAgent | Use this property to query the user agent string or to override the default user agent string |
psUserDataFolder | Use this property to query or to override the user data folder used by the current WebView2 instance |
Inherited Properties from cComWebView2Ctrl | |
ComHWND | |
Inherited Properties from cComActiveXControl | |
ControlValue | Used as a hook to link a property in the ActiveX control with the Value Property |
Explicit_Shadow_State | Indicates if an object is contextually shadowed by an ancestor |
Help_Id | Used to specify an object's context ID |
Help_Keyword | Used to specify an object's context keyword |
Item_Shadow_State | Determines if an object's item is enabled or disabled |
Label | Sets the text for a label or heading for an entry control object |
Label_Col_Offset | The horizontal distance from the object to its label |
Label_Color | The background color of the object's label |
Label_FontItalics | Determines whether the object's label text is italicized |
Label_FontPointHeight | Represents the height of a label object in points. |
Label_FontSize | The font size of the object's label |
Label_FontUnderline | Determines whether the object's label text is underlined |
Label_FontWeight | The font weight of the object's label |
Label_Justification_Mode | The justification mode for the text within this object's label |
Label_Object | Returns the object handle to the object's label |
Label_Offset | Returns both the Label_Row_Offset and the Label_Col_Offset |
Label_Row_Offset | The vertical distance from the top edge of the object and its label |
Label_TextColor | The text color of the object's label |
Label_TypeFace | The type face of the object's label |
Object_Shadow_State | Replaced by enabled_state, whose boolean logic is the inverse of this property's |
pbBindValue | Controls whether an ActiveX's bindable property is bound to the Value property |
psHtmlHelpTopic | Html help page name (e.g. reporting.htm) and optional bookmark. Can be used to locate the proper contextual help page. |
Status_Help | Determines the status text that will be displayed when this object takes the focus |
Use_Parent_Status_Help | Determines if parent's status help is used when object status help is empty |
Value | Sets or returns content of control or item |
Inherited Properties from DfInPlaceComObject | |
peAutoCreate | Manipulates COM Object instantiation |
psLicenseKey | Contains the license key when ActiveX controls use a run-time license |
psProgID | Holds the CLSID (class ID) of the COM class represented |
pvComObject | Returns an IDispatch pointer to the external COM object |
Inherited Properties from DfComUIObject | |
Absolute_GuiOrigin | Returns the screen coordinates of the top left corner of a DataFlex object |
Border_Style | Specifies the border style of this object |
Client_Size | [Obsolete] |
Color | The background color of the object |
Container_Handle | Returns the Windows window handle of the DataFlex object's container |
Mouse_Capture | Causes all DataFlex mouse events to be sent to the object that captures the mouse |
peAnchors | Describes how you want the control to react whenever its container changes size |
piMaxSize | Determines the limit of the maximum size that a Component can be |
piMinSize | Determines the limit of the minimum size that a Component can be |
TextColor | The text color of the object |
Window_Handle | Returns the Windows window handle of the DataFlex object |
Windows_Override_State | Allows DataFlex to stop the default windows behavior for mouse and keyboard messages |
Inherited Properties from cUIObject | |
Active_State | Indicates whether or not the object is activated |
Attach_Parent_State | Determines whether an object that is activated will be added to the next level of the current focus (false) or the next level of its parent (true) |
Block_Mouse_State | Determines whether or not the use of the mouse is restricted |
Client_Area_State | Determines if object is a user interface container for children |
ContainsFocus | Determines if the container contains the focus |
Current_Scope | Returns the object_id of the currently active scoping object |
Dynamic_Update_State | Determines whether or not the image of an object that can be seen will be updated when a change to the object occurs |
Entry_msg | Hook sent whenever the object is about to receive the focus |
Error_Text | Gets the text from FLEXERRS.DAT that corresponds to the passed error number |
Error_Text_Available | Determines if Error Text is available for this error number |
Exit_msg | Hook sent whenever the object is about to lose the focus |
Find_Scope | Returns the scoping object of the current object |
Focus | Returns the ID of the object that currently has the focus |
Focus_Mode | Determines the conditions under which the object will take the focus |
Key_Path | Determines the delegation path for on_key key assignments |
Last_Child | Returns the Object_Id of the last focus child |
Location | Determines the position of the upper left pixel of the object's window |
Module_Name | Obsolete Assists in the process of locating context-sensitive help information |
Next_Focus | Returns the object that is positioned in the focus tree as the next object at the same level as this object |
Next_Level | Returns the object that is positioned in the focus tree as the first object in the next level |
Next_Scope | Returns the object that is the next_scope object of the current scope |
Popup_State | Determines whether the object should respond to the standard Activate message, or via the Popup message |
Prior_Focus | Returns the object that is positioned in the focus tree as the prior object at the same level as this object |
Prior_Level | Returns the object that is the root of this object's level in the focus tree |
Prior_Scope | Returns the object that is the prior_scope object of the current scope |
Ring_State | Determines whether or not the objects added into the next level of this object are to act as a ring |
RingParent | Returns the object handle of the object that is its ring parent |
Scope_Focus | A property of scope objects in the focus tree |
Scope_State | Determines whether the objects at the next level of this object and beyond, are to be scoped by this object |
Search_Case | Determines whether searches performed are case-sensitive or not |
Size | Determines the size of a window in dialog units |
Skip_State | Determines whether or not the switch and switch_back messages skip over this object during focus movement |
Visible_State | Determines whether object is visible |
Inherited Properties from cObject | |
Child_Count | Returns the number of child objects the object contains |
Delegation_Mode | Determines if and how unknown messages are delegated |
Name | Returns the full name of the object including parentage |
Object_Id | Returns the object handle of the object, can be used to determine if an object exists |
Object_Label | Returns the short name of an object |
Parent | Returns the parent of an object |
peNeighborhood | Determines how an object and its descendents participate in object neighborhood referencing |