IsObjectOfClass - cObject

Determines whether the passed class is part of the object's class hierarchy

Type: Function

Return Data Type: Boolean

Parameters: Integer iClass

iClassThe class id to check the hierarchy of

Return Value

This returns True if the passed class is part of the object's class hierarchy

Function IsObjectOfClass Integer iClass Returns Boolean

Call: Get IsObjectOfClass iClass to BooleanVariable


This returns True if the passed class is part of the object's class hierarchy. This can be very useful because it allows you to determine if an object should understand certain interfaces.

Boolean bIsGrid bIsList

Get IsObjectOfClass (RefClass(cWebGrid)) to bIsGrid
Get IsObjectOfClass (RefClass(cWebList))  to bIsList

If bIsGrid Begin
   // customize for grid
Else If bIsList Begin
   // customize for list
Else Begin
   // customize for unknown

This does not consider mixin classes - only the main class is considered in the hierarchy.

Note: Some of our windows classes have an odd class hierarchy, which does not 100% match how we represent the classes in our documentation (this includes the GUI runtime windows DFBaseXxxxx classes). This function reflects this inconsistency. In most cases, this occurs at a level where it will not matter.

See Also

Name | Object_Id | Object_Label | ObjectClass | IsObjectOfClass | IsClassOfClass