Name | Type | Description |
DFDateToSQLDate | Function | Converts a DataFlex Date data type to a SQL date value that can be used with embedded SQL |
RemoveComponentIdentifier | Function | Can be used to remove a component identifier from an informational message obtained by calling SQLGetMessage. |
SQLBindFile | Procedure | Add a file to the list of files bound to the statement result. |
SQLCall | Procedure | Calls a stored procedure or function |
SQLClose | Procedure | Close the statement handle and free the DataFlex statement handle object. |
SQLColAttribute | Function | Returns a column attribute. |
SQLColumnMap | Function | Returns a column number for a name. |
SQLColumnSize | Function | Returns the size (max length) of a column in a result set |
SQLColumnType | Function | Returns the native type of a column in a result set |
SQLColumnValue | Function | Get a column value. |
SQLColumnVariableDatatype | Function | Determines whether the native type of a column in a result is a variable-length data type |
SQLDateToDFDate | Function | Converts an SQL DateTime data type to a string in DataFlex Date data type format |
SQLExecDirect | Procedure | This procedure combines the SQLPrepare and SQLExecute. |
SQLExecute | Procedure | Executes a prepared statement |
SQLFetch | Function | Fetch the next row of the statement's result set. |
SQLFetchActivatesBuffer | Procedure | Connect or disconnect a file buffer to a statement result set. |
SQLFetchResultsetValues | Function | Fetches all rows of a result Set and Returns the result set as a 2-dimensial array |
SQLFetchRowValues | Function | Fetches a row and returns all columns in an array |
SQLGetArgument | Function | Get a stored procedure argument. |
SQLGetData | Function | Get data of a column in chunks (variable length data) |
SQLGetDataToUChar | Function | Get data of a column to a UChar array, can be used with binary data |
SQLGetMessage | Function | Get informational messages (if any). |
SQLGetNextArgument | Function | Can be used to get return values from a stored procedure in argument order |
SQLGetStmtAttribute | Function | Gets the value of an embedded SQL Statement attribute |
SQLNextColumn | Function | Can be used to call SQLColumnValue in column order |
SQLNextResultSet | Function | Switch to the next result set of a batch or stored procedure. |
SQLPrepare | Procedure | Prepare a statement that is passed for execution. |
SQLReturnValue | Function | Get a stored function return value. |
SQLSetArgument | Procedure | Sets up a stored procedure argument so it can be passed |
SQLSetNextArgument | Procedure | Sets up a stored procedure argument so it can be passed and keeps track of the next argument number |
SQLSetNextParameter | Procedure | Pass a parameter for a parameterized query or stored procedure. Automatically increments the parameter number. |
SQLSetParameter | Procedure | Pass a parameter for a parameterized query or stored procedure |
SQLSetProcedureName | Procedure | Setup a stored procedure name so it can be called. |
SQLSetStmtAttribute | Procedure | Sets a statement attribute for an embedded SQL statement |
SQLStmtAttribute | Function | [Obsolete] Returns a statement attribute. |
Inherited Methods from cObject | ||
ChildByIndex | Function | Can be used to iterate the direct children of an object |
ClassSuperClass | Function | Returns the superclass of the passed class |
Create | Function | Creates an object based on the passed Class Id |
CreateNamed | Function | Creates an object based on the passed Class Id and assigns it a name Name based on a passed name |
Destroy | Procedure | Destroys the object that receives the message and any child objects of that object |
Exit_Application | Procedure | Starts the process of closing an application |
IsClassOfClass | Function | Determines whether the target class is part of the searched class's hierarchy |
IsObjectOfClass | Function | Determines whether the passed class is part of the object's class hierarchy |
ObjectClass | Function | Returns the integer class ID assigned to the class this object is based on |
Request_Destroy_Object | Procedure | Use the Destroy method instead [Obsolete] |