Class: cToolbar [Obsolete]

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A control, usually placed at the top of a window, that contains buttons which act as shortcuts to frequently used functionality



Library: Windows Application Class Library

Package: cToolbar.pkg


This class is obsolete. Toolbars are now created using the cCJToolbar class.

As of revision 12.1, DataFlex includes full support for Codejock Software's COM Xtreme CommandBars package for creating menus, toolbars and statusbars. See Using Menus, Toolbars and Statusbars for more information.

The toolbar is a control, usually placed at the top of a window, that contains buttons which act as shortcuts to frequently used functionality.

To create the buttons, embed objects derived from cToolbarButton.

Usually, the toolbar is part of the MDI interface. In this mode, the toolbar will automatically size and align itself with the panel's client-area.

If you want to use a toolbar in a non-MDI container, set its pbInMdiPanel property to false, to prevent it from communicating with the MDI interface. To prevent the toolbar from aligning to the bottom of the parent window, change the peAlign property to alNone and size and locate the toolbar manually.


Object oToolBar is a cToolBar
    Object oImages is a cImageList
        Set piMaxImages To 4
        Procedure OnCreate
            Integer iVoid
            Get AddTransparentImage "Customer.bmp" clFuchsia To iVoid 
            Get AddTransparentImage "Cut16.bmp"    clFuchsia To iVoid 
            Get AddTransparentImage "Copy16.bmp"   clFuchsia To iVoid 
            Get AddTransparentImage "Paste16.bmp"  clFuchsia To iVoid 
    Set phoImageList To (oImages(self))
    Object oCustomer is a cToolbarButton
        Set psTooltip To 'Customer View'
        Set psStatusHelp To 'Activate the Customer View'
        Set piImage To 0
        Procedure OnClick
            Send DoShowCustomer

    Object oSeparator is a cToolbarButton
        Set peStyle To bsSeparator
    Object oCut is a cToolbarButton
        Set psTooltip To 'Cut'
        Set psStatusHelp To 'Cuts the selection to the Clipboard'
        Set piImage To 1
        Procedure OnClick
            Send DoSendToFocus msg_cut
    Object oCopy is a cToolbarButton
        Set psTooltip To 'Copy'
        Set psStatusHelp To 'Copies the selection to the Clipboard'
        Set piImage To 2
        Procedure OnClick
            Send DoSendToFocus msg_copy
    Object oPaste is a cToolbarButton
        Set psTooltip To 'Paste'
        Set psStatusHelp To 'Inserts Clipboard contents'
        Set piImage To 3
        Procedure OnClick
            Send DoSendToFocus msg_paste
End_Object // oToolbar