Exiting - cUIObject

Fires when the focus is about to move to a new object, sent to the object losing the focus

Type: Event

Return Data Type: Integer

Parameters: Handle hoDestination

hoDestinationThe object id of the object to which the focus is to move

Return Value

Returning a non-zero value from the exiting procedure cancels movement of the focus.

Procedure Exiting Handle hoDestination Returns Integer


When the focus is about to move to a new object, the exiting event is sent to the object losing the focus.

If Exiting is not overridden, its function is to send the message identified in the value of the Exit_msg property.

This event is used to perform any post-processing to the object before it loses the focus. hoDestination is the id of the object to which the focus is to move, and can be used to provide processing conditional on which object the focus is to move to. Exiting is suitable for defining the exit behavior of object classes, while exit_msg is suitable for object inheritance of exit behavior.

Procedure Exiting Handle hoDestination returns Integer
    Integer iReturnVal

    Forward Get Msg_Exiting hoDestination to iReturnVal
    If (iReturnVal) Begin
        Procedure_Return iReturnVal
    If (iReturnVal <> Parent(Self)) Begin
        Get CustomValidationMsg to iReturnVal

    Procedure_Return iReturnVal