Mouse_Up2 - cUIObject

Sent whenever the second button of the mouse is released while on an item is in the edit window of the object

Type: Event

Parameters: Integer iWindowNumber Integer iPosition

iWindowNumberthe window item (1 based)
iPositionthe position within the window

Procedure Mouse_Up2 Integer iWindowNumber Integer iPosition


Mouse_Up2 is sent whenever the second (normally the right) mouse button is released. The parameters indicate the position of the mouse cursor within the object. The mouse messages perform no action in the definition of cUIObject; their actions are always defined in higher-level classes.


Procedure Mouse_Up2 Integer iWindowNumber Integer iPosition
    // add augmentation here
    Forward Send Mouse_Up2 iWindowNumber iPosition
    // or here

Both parameters are character mode DataFlex parameters and are always zero in Windows.