OnEnterArea - cUIObject

Hook for entering an area, sent to the entered object's container and its parent containers

Type: Event

Parameters: Handle hoFrom

hoFromThe object where the navigation event originated

Procedure OnEnterArea Handle hoFrom


Called after the navigation event is complete, so Focus(Self) is always the "to" object. These are always passed where the Scope_Focus had been.

After a successful navigation event, the following occurs:

1. OnExitObject is sent to the exited object

2. OnEnterObject is sent to the entered object

3. OnExitArea is sent to the exited object's container and its container, etc. up through the scope. The scope is defined as an object that has its Scope_State=T or Popup_State=T. Basically, it is the normal definition of a scope (dbView, ModalPanel, dbModalPanel, etc.).

4. OnEnterArea is sent to the entered object's container and its container, etc. up through the scope. The scope is defined as above.

Because this occurs after the focus change, these events are better augmentation hooks than the other Entering / Exiting events. When here, you know what has happened and the navigation is essentially done. For this reason, these are all procedures and there is no way to stop the navigation event.

For example, If you placed an OnExitArea or OnEnterArea at your view level, you'd have a single post navigation for every object in the view. If you added OnExitArea to a dbRadioContainer, you'd have an event for changes within the container and for leaving the container.