Methods for cUIObject

View method list in alphabetical order

ActivateProcedureGives an object the focus (and adds it to the focus tree)
Activate_ScopeProcedureActivates objects that are separate tools to the application
Add_FocusProcedureAdds the object into the focus tree at the Next_Level of the hoParent in the focus tree
BellProcedureRings the PC bell
CancelProcedureUsed to terminate the current level of a start_ui or ui_accept
CanCopyFunctionDetermines whether a Copy operation can be successfully completed
CanCutFunctionDetermines whether a Cut operation can be successfully completed
CanDeleteFunctionDetermines whether a Delete operation can be successfully completed
CanPasteFunctionDetermines whether a Paste operation can be successfully completed
CanSelectFunctionDetermines whether a Select operation can be successfully completed
CanUndoFunctionDetermines whether n Undooperation can be successfully completed
ConfirmFunctionPops up a "Yes/No" confirmation
Data_Loss_ConfirmationFunctionPops up a "Yes/No" confirmation for data loss
DeactivateProcedureRemoves the object from the focus tree
Default_KeyProcedureUsed in On_key command to restore standard accelerator for an object
Delete_ConfirmationFunctionPops up a "Yes/No" confirmation for a delete
Exit_Loss_ConfirmationFunctionPops up a "Yes/No" confirmation for exit loss
HelpProcedureOverridden in the help_system to activate context-sensitive help
ItemProcedure SetChanges the current item to the first or last data item (depending on the value of last) in the displayed range of items
Line_Delete_ConfirmationFunctionPops up a "Yes/No" confirmation for a line delete
Line_Save_ConfirmationFunctionPops up a "Yes/No" confirmation for a line save
NextProcedureMoves the focus to the next object in the tab order when the Tab key is pressed
Next_Object_IdFunctionCalled by the switch message to determine the object_id of the next object to go to in the focus tree
No_ConfirmationFunctionUsed to cancel a confirmation message
NoneProcedureDoes nothing - used by on_key and commands to stop a key assignment
OkProcedureUsed on items and accelerator key definitions to terminate the current level of start_ui or ui_accept
Page_ObjectProcedureAdds or removes an object from the focus tree
PopupProcedureActivates a modal dialog
PreviousProcedureMoves the focus to the previous object in the tab order when the Shift+Tab key is pressed
Prior_Object_IdFunctionCalled by the switch_back message to determine the object_id of the previous object to go to in the focus tree
Save_ConfirmationFunctionPops up a "Yes/No" confirmation for a save
Stop_UIProcedureTerminates a popup_modal message and returns execution to the next line after the one on which this message was sent
SwitchProcedureMoves the focus to the object returned by the next_object_id function
Switch_BackProcedureMoves the focus to the object returned by the prior_object_id function
Switch_Next_GroupProcedureMoves the focus to the first object in the next_level of the next_object of the prior_level of this object
Switch_Next_ScopeProcedureMoves the focus to the scope focus of the next scope
Switch_Prior_GroupProcedureMoves the focus to the last object in the prior_level of the prior_object of the next_level of this object
Switch_Prior_ScopeProcedureMoves the focus to the scope focus of the prior_scope

Inherited Methods from cObject

ChildByIndexFunctionCan be used to iterate the direct children of an object
ClassSuperClassFunctionReturns the superclass of the passed class
CreateFunctionCreates an object based on the passed Class Id
CreateNamedFunctionCreates an object based on the passed Class Id and assigns it a name Name based on a passed name
DestroyProcedureDestroys the object that receives the message and any child objects of that object
IsClassOfClassFunctionDetermines whether the target class is part of the searched class's hierarchy
IsObjectOfClassFunctionDetermines whether the passed class is part of the object's class hierarchy
ObjectClassFunctionReturns the integer class ID assigned to the class this object is based on
Request_Destroy_ObjectProcedureUse the Destroy method instead [Obsolete]