Attach_Parent_State - cUIObject

Determines whether an object that is activated will be added to the next level of the current focus (false) or the next level of its parent (true)

Type: Property

Access: Read/Write

Data Type: Boolean

Parameters: None

 Property Boolean Attach_Parent_State

Read Access: Get Attach_Parent_State to BooleanVariable
Write Access: Set Attach_Parent_State to BooleanVariable/Value


The Attach_parent_state property determines whether an object that is activated will be added to the next level of the current focus (false) or the next level of its parent (true). The attach_parent_state handles several standard situations where attachments to the focus tree need to be to the object's parent. If the object's parent is not active, then the property has no effect. If a more-exact method of attachment is required, then the add_focus message should be used.

set attach_parent_state to true