Next_Level - cUIObject

Returns the object that is positioned in the focus tree as the first object in the next level

Type: Property

Access: Read-Only

Data Type: Handle

Parameters: None

 Property Handle Next_Level

Read Access: Get Next_Level to HandleVariable


The Next_level property returns the object that is positioned in the focus tree as the first object in the next level. If there is not a next level or the object is not active, the property returns zero. The iNextLevelel object may not be focusable, and the user should check the focus_mode of the returned object to ensure that it is acceptable.


Function FindTerminalNode handle hoObject returns Handle
    integer iNextLevel

        get iNextLevel of hoObject to iNextLevel
        if (iNextLevel <> 0) ;
            move iNextLevel to hoObject
    until (iNextLevel = 0)

    function_return hoObject
End_Function  // FindTerminalNode