ShowYesNoCancel - cWebApp

Displays an information dialog with Yes, No and Cancel buttons

Type: Procedure

Parameters: Handle hoCallBack Handle hmCallback String sMessage String sOptCaption Integer eOptDfltBtn

hoCallBackHandle of callback object
hmCallbackHandle of callback message
sMessageMessage title
sOptCaption(Optional) Message title
eOptDfltBtn(Optional) The button that should act as the default button (when Enter is pressed on the keyboard)

Procedure ShowYesNoCancel Handle hoCallBack Handle hmCallback String sMessage String sOptCaption Integer eOptDfltBtn

Call: Send ShowYesNoCancel hoCallBack hmCallback sMessage sOptCaption eOptDfltBtn


The ShowYesNoCancel message is used to handle yes/no/cancel confirmations.

Using Callbacks

ShowYesNoCancel uses the concept of a callback object and message. These are passed to the procedure and passed to the client. Upon completion, the client makes a server call, which will send a callback message to the callback object passing the results of the confirmation. Therefore, a confirmation must consist of code for creating the confirmation and a method handler to handle the response.

Valid values for the callback message parameter are:

cmCloseDialog was closed
cmYesDialog Yes button was clicked
cmNoDialog No button was clicked
cmCancelDialog was cancelled

Refer to the ShowYesNo topic's example as a guide on how to implement ShowYesNoCancel.