peApplicationStateMode - cWebApp

Main switch determining the behavior of the WebApp Framework History management

Type: Property

Access: Read/Write

Data Type: Integer

Parameters: None

 Property Integer peApplicationStateMode

Read Access: Get peApplicationStateMode to IntegerVariable
Write Access: Set peApplicationStateMode to IntegerVariable/Value


Main switch determining the behavior of the WebApp Framework History management.

The system can be turned off (behaving like pre-19.1 WebApps) and it can be set in a mode where the URL is not showing the application state, while history items are added to the browser's history stack.

Valid Values

asmOff (0)Turns off history management.
asmHistoryOnly (1)URLs are not updated with the state hash, but history items are created.
asmHistoryAndUrls (2)URLs are updated and history items are created.