Procedure Creating
Creating is called as part of the save process and is called when a new record is about to be saved. Auto incrementing is handled by the AutoIncrement method, which is sent prior to creating.
Make sure to forward the event.
This event can be used to perform any additional processing required for a new record.
Procedure Creating Forward send Creating Send LogNewRecordData End_Procedure
This message is always called in a locked state. Do not perform user input in this event.
If an Error is declared, the transaction will be rolled back. Errors must be generated using the Error command. See Error Handling in Transactions for more information.
When accessing table values you should always access the global file buffers and not the DDO buffers (i.e., use "Move File.Field to var" syntax). See Understanding File Buffers and DDO Field Buffers for more information.
In cWebAppSessionDataDictionary, this event has been augmented to store the current date time in the WebAppSession table's CreateTime and LastAccessTime columns.