Properties for cWebAppSessionDataDictionary

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Inherited Properties from DataDictionary

Allow_Foreign_New_Save_StateAllows saving of a new record when a table is being used as a foreign table
Error_Report_ModeDetermines how errors are generated through the messages Operation_Not_Allowed and Data_Set_Error
Existing_Key_ValueReturns the concatenated values of all key table columns
Field_Auto_IncrementDefines a column's auto-increment table and column
Field_Changed_StateFlags a table column as changed or not, which determines whether the column participates in a save operation
Field_Changed_ValueSets the current value of a table column and sets the column's Field_Changed_State to True
Field_CheckBox_ValueReturns the symbolic value for a table column for the specified checkbox state (checked or unchecked)
Field_CheckBox_ValuesConfigures a table column for use with a checkbox control
Field_Class_NameSpecifies a specific class as the default class for a table column
Field_CountReturns the number of columns in the DDO
Field_Current_DescriptionReturns the description for the current value of a table column as listed in the column's validation table
Field_Current_Pointer_ValueReturns a pointer to data in the extended table column object
Field_Current_UCAValueSets and returns data in the extended table column object using the UChar array type
Field_Current_ValueGet/sets the current value of a table column
Field_Default_ValueSets the default value of a table column without setting the DDO's Changed_State to True
Field_Entry_msgSets the Id of the message to be sent when the cursor enters a table column
Field_ErrorAssigns a specific error message for validation errors for a table column
Field_Error_MessageReturns the error message for a table column
Field_Error_NumberReturns the error number for a table column
Field_Exit_msgSets the Id of the message to be sent when the cursor exits a table column
Field_IndexReturns the main index for a table column
Field_LabelReturns the value of Field_Label_Long or Field_Label_Short, or the tag name of a table column
Field_Label_LongLong description of table column name for form captions, etc.
Field_Label_ShortShort description of table column name for form captions, etc.
Field_MaskProvides the token characters for the mask for a table column
Field_Mask_TypeGets/sets the mask type of a table column
Field_OptionGets/sets the state of a field option for this table's column
Field_OptionsSets field options for the table's column
Field_Prompt_ObjectGet/sets the object Id of the Prompt_Object for a table column, such as a lookup (selection) list
Field_RememberedValueAllows you or your user to dynamically assign and remember a specific value or set a default value
Field_Select_StateGets/sets a table column's state in the local buffer
Field_Table_ObjectReturns the Id of the validation table set up to validate this table column
Field_Validate_msgSets the Id of the message to be sent when a table column should be validated
Field_Value_CheckConfigures a check-type validation for a table column
Field_Value_RangeConfigures a range-type validation for a table column
Field_Value_TableSets the Id of the validation table set up to validate this table column
Field_WebPrompt_ObjectGet/sets the object Id of the Prompt_Object for a table column, such as a lookup (selection) list
Field_Zoom_ObjectGet/sets the object Id of the Zoom_Object for a table column, such as a lookup (selection) list
File_Field_Changed_StateFlags a foreign table column as changed or not, which determines whether the column participates in a save operation
File_Field_Changed_ValueSets the current value of a foreign table column and sets the column's Field_Changed_State to True
File_Field_CheckBox_ValueReturns the symbolic value for a foreign table column for the specified checkbox state (checked or unchecked)
File_Field_Current_DescriptionReturns the description for the current value of a foreign table column as listed in the column's validation table
File_Field_Current_Pointer_ValueReturns a pointer to data in the extended foreign table column object
File_Field_Current_UCAValueSets and returns data in the extended table column object using the UChar array type
File_Field_Current_ValueGet/sets the current value of a foreign table column
File_Field_Default_ValueSets the default value of a foreign table column without setting the DDO's Changed_State to True
File_Field_IndexUsed to retrieve the index for a table and column
File_Field_LabelReturns the value of the value of the Field_Label_Long or the Field_Label_Short properties, or the tag name of a table column
File_Field_Label_LongA long description (or translation) of the name of a foreign column for such purposes as form captions
File_Field_Label_ShortA short description (or translation) of the name of a foreign column for such purposes as form captions
File_Field_MaskProvides the token characters for the mask for a table column
File_Field_Mask_TypeReturns the mask type of the column
File_Field_OptionGets/sets the state of a field option for a table column
File_Field_OptionsObsolete Sets field options for a table's column
File_Field_Prompt_ObjectGets/sets the ID of the Prompt_Object for a column, such as a lookup (selection) list
File_Field_Select_StateSets the field's state in the local buffer
File_Field_Status_HelpGets/Sets status-line help text for the passed table column
File_Field_Table_ObjectReturns the object handle of the ValidationTable object for a table column
File_Field_WebPrompt_ObjectGets/sets the ID of the Prompt_Object for a column, such as a lookup (selection) list
File_Field_Zoom_ObjectReturns the object handle of the Zoom object for a table column
Foreign_Field_OptionAllows you to assign additional item options to a field when that field is used as a parent field
Foreign_Field_OptionsAllows you to assign additional item options to a field type when that field type is used as a parent field
Key_Field_StateDesignates a table column as the primary key column for a table
Key_ValueReturns the complete (all columns) key value for the current record
pbApplyGlobalSQLFiltersDetermines whether Data Dictionary SQL filters are appended (anded) to the value in the global table filter
pbUseDDSQLFiltersDetermines whether Data Dictionary SQL filters are used
piPrimaryIndexDefines which index is used to generate the record ID as it is used in WebApp state hashes
Protect_Key_StateDetermines whether users are prevented from changing the values of key fields
psSQLFilterDefines Data Dictionary SQL filter string to be applied
Status_HelpGets/Sets status-line help text for the field
System_File_CountReturns the number of system tables used by the DDO
System_File_Lock_ModeReturns the lock mode for a system table
System_File_NumberReturns the table number for a system table
Validate_All_Fields_StateSupports Request_Validate_All
Validate_Delete_Structure_ModeDetermines what type of DataDictionary object-structure validation will occur before a delete operation
Validate_DEOs_Only_StateDetermines whether validation is limited to fields represented in the current view
Validate_Foreign_File_StateDetermines if field validation should be applied to foreign (parent) tables
Validate_Save_Structure_ModeDetermines what type of DataDictionary object structure validation will occur before a save operation

Inherited Properties from DataSet

Auto_Fill_StateDetermines what a DDO should do with a relates-to constrained child when that parent changes
Constrain_FileThe number of the table that should constrain the main file of this object
DDO_ServerThe Object_ID of this object's server DataDictionary object (DDO)
Field_Main_IndexReturns the number of the index to use for finding on the specified table column [Obsolete]

Inherited Properties from BaseData_Set

Can_DeleteReturns whether delete is an allowed operation in the DDO object
Cascade_Delete_StateDetermines how a delete should be affected by the existence of child-file records that relate to the record being deleted
Changed_StateDetermines whether DEOs attached to this object have changed and/or whether a related parent record has changed
Client_FileReturns the number of the table at the passed-in position in this object's client table list
Client_File_CountReturns the number of files in this object's client file list
Current_RecordThe number of the record most recently retrieved from the database
Data_Set_ClientReturns the object id of the DataDictionary object (DDO) at position iItem in this object's container DDO list
Data_Set_Client_CountReturns the number of DataDictionary objects (DDOs) in this object's container DDO list
Data_Set_ServerReturns the object id of the DataDictionary object (DDO) at position iItem in this object's server DDO list
Data_Set_Server_CountReturns the number of DataDictionary objects (DDOs) in this object's server DDO list
Data_Set_User_InterfaceReturns the object id of the data entry object (DEO) at position iItem in this object's user-interface DEO list
Data_Set_User_Interface_CountReturns the number of data entry objects (DEOs) in this object's user-interface DEO list
Entry_Permissive_StateDetermines whether changing of parent record relationships is permitted. [Obsolete]
Field_Related_FieldRetrieves the related column of a relationship at the local DD level instead of the table level
Field_Related_FileRetrieves the related table of a relationship at the local DD level instead of the table level
Field_Related_FileFieldDefines a relationship at the local DD level instead of the table level
In_Use_StateDetermines whether this object has at least one active user-interface object or one of this object's containers is in use
Main_FileIdentifies the table managed by this Data Dictionary class/object
No_Delete_StateDetermines whether delete operations via this object are permitted
No_Relate_StateDetermines whether relate operations will be executed after find operations by this object
OrderingSpecifies the index which should be used for all find operations
Parent_Changed_StateDetermines if any of the DD object's parents have been changed by a find operation
pbAutoFillFromFirstAllows child DDOs to auto-fill from the first record
pbDDAttachDetemines if an Attach is limited to the current DDO Structure
pbForeignReadOnlySpecifies whether this DD ever changes when it is used as a foreign (parent) table
pbInheritConstraintsDetermines if a main DDO should inherit its constraints (finding filters) from its parent DDOs
pbNoCascadeDeleteStrictDetermines if your DD operates under strict or non-strict rules
pbSmartRelateControls whether DataDictionaries perform relates on parent tables that are not connected to the DDO structure
pbUseDDRelatesDetermines if DD local relates should be used at all
Read_Only_StateDetermines whether save or delete operations will occur in this object's main table
Server_FileReturns the number of the table at the passed in position in this object's server-file list
Server_File_CountReturns the number of table in this object's server-file list
Should_SaveCan be used to determine if a DataDictionary Object (DDO) has changed
Should_Save_RowDetermines if a DDO is changed according to dbGrid "row" logic
Smart_Filemode_For_LockDetermines the locked file mode setting for tables participating in save or delete operations
Smart_Filemode_For_No_LockDetermines the unlocked file mode setting for tables that should not participate in save or delete operations
Smart_Filemode_StateGoverns whether this object can use file-locking optimization for its tables
Which_Data_SetReturns object id of DataDictionary Object owning specified table

Inherited Properties from cObject

Child_CountReturns the number of child objects the object contains
Delegation_ModeDetermines if and how unknown messages are delegated
NameReturns the full name of the object including parentage
Object_IdReturns the object handle of the object, can be used to determine if an object exists
Object_LabelReturns the short name of an object
ParentReturns the parent of an object
peNeighborhoodDetermines how an object and its descendents participate in object neighborhood referencing