Name | Type | Description |
Inherited Methods from DataDictionary | ||
Add_Client_File | Procedure Set | Adds a table to this object's related-child list |
Add_Server_File | Procedure Set | Adds a table to this object's related-parent list |
Add_System_File | Procedure Set | Adds a table to this object's system file list |
Add_System_File | Procedure | Obsolete Adds iFile to this object's system file list |
Alias_File | Procedure Set | Declares this DD to be an alias DD |
AllowParentFind | Function | Called to determine if the parent DD can be use to do a parent find |
ApplySQLFilter | Procedure | Called before a Data Dictionary find/read and is used to set DD SQL Filters |
ApplySQLFilterStr | Procedure | Called before a Data Dictionary find / read to set DD SQL Filters |
ClearAllRememberedDefaults | Procedure | Clears all dynamically assigned defaults for all DDOs in this structure |
ClearRememberedDefaults | Procedure | Clears all dynamically assigned defaults for this one DDO |
Data_Set | Function | Returns the object id of the DataDictionary object whose main file is passed to the function |
Data_Set_Error | Procedure | Declares DataDictionary object (DDO) errors |
DDOConstraintFindMeta | Function | Returns Costraints MetaData information for a particular index |
DDOConstraintNeedsRelate | Function | Determines whether the constraints you are using require relates to determine if a record is valid |
DDOConstraints | Function | Used to query array of DataFlex constraints |
DefineAllExtendedFields | Procedure | Obsolete Creates extended DataDictionary fields for all text and binary fields within a DataDictionary object (DDO) |
DefineAsAlias | Procedure | Sets this DD to work as an alias |
DefineExtendedField | Procedure | Obsolete Creates extended DataDictionary field for a text or binary field within a DataDictionary object (DDO) |
ErrorMessageTableName | Function | Returns the table name to be used when a DDO displays an error with a table name |
Extended_Error_Field | Function | Extends the extended error logic of the Error handler |
Extended_Error_File | Function | Extends the extended error logic of the Error handler |
Extended_Error_Message | Function | Called by the standard DataFlex error handler when a DataDictionary error occurs |
Field_Auto_Increment | Function | Returns a column's auto-increment table and column number |
Field_CommitNoEnterOnIndex | Function | Determines if a committed table column that has an index should support entry |
Field_Option_Clear | Procedure Set | Clears a field option for a table column [Obsolete] |
Field_Option_Toggle | Procedure Set | Toggles a field option of a table column [Obsolete] |
File_Field_AutoFind | Procedure | Performs an AutoFind on a foreign table column |
File_Field_Default_AutoFind | Procedure | Performs an AutoFind on a foreign table column without setting the DDO's Changed_State to True |
File_Field_DynamicEntryOptions | Function | Used to check the current state of NoPut and NoEnter field options |
File_Field_Entry | Procedure Set | Allows you to place data into a DataDictionary field buffer using all the same logic that gets applied to data entry object/keyboard entry |
File_Field_Find | Procedure | Allows you to simulate the find-key process of data entry objects within batch processes |
File_Field_Option_Clear | Procedure Set | Obsolete Clears a DD field option [Obsolete] |
File_Field_Option_Toggle | Procedure Set | Obsolete Toggles (reverse) the value of a DD field option [Obsolete] |
File_Field_Pointer_Entry | Procedure Set | Called to move data from an entry source to the DataDictionary (DD) extended buffer |
Find | Procedure | Performs a find operation on the DataDictionary's main data file using the passed mode and index |
IsAlias | Function | Returns whether table is an alias table |
IsCommitted | Function | Called to determine if the record is committed |
IsCommittedParentChangeAllowed | Function | Called to determine if the server's parent is allowed to be switched |
IsFieldCommitted | Function | Called to determine if the column's commit field option is set |
IsNullParentAllowed | Function | Called to determine if an inactive parent DDO can be null |
MasterForAlias | Function | Returns the master table for an alias table |
Operation_Not_Allowed | Procedure | Executes the error command with the passed in error number. Intended for augmentation |
Remove_System_File | Procedure | Removes a table from this object's system file list |
Request_Clear | Procedure | See (and use) Clear [Obsolete] |
Request_Validate_All | Function | Similar to Request_Validate, except that a validation will continue after a validation error has occurred |
ResetChangedStates | Procedure | |
RestoreDefaultSQLFilters | Procedure | Restores the global table SQL filters back to their original pre-find state |
ShouldSaveConstrainedToServer | Function | Determines if any relates-to constrained parent is changed |
SQLEscapedStr | Function | Converts string to a string that is better suited and safer for SQL WHERE clauses |
SQLStrAppend | Function | Helper function that will take two SQL filter strings and combine them using proper SQL AND syntax |
SQLStrAppendOr | Function | Helper function that will take two SQL filter strings and combine them using proper SQL OR syntax |
SQLStrFieldName | Function | Helper function that returns a string representing the SQL column in a format that can be used by an SQL WHERE clause |
SQLStrFileFieldName | Function | Helper function that returns a string representing the SQL table and column in a format that can be used by an SQL WHERE clause |
SQLStrFileName | Function | Helper function that returns a string representing the SQL table name in a format that can be used by an SQL WHERE clause |
SQLStrLike | Function | Helper function that will create an SQL LIKE string for a table column and a target value to be used in the WHERE clause of SQL statements |
SQLStrSchemaFileFieldName | Function | Helper function that will create a string that that represents the SQL schema, table and column in a format that can be used by an SQL WHERE clause |
StoreDefaultSQLFilters | Procedure | Stores any information about the table's current SQL filters |
SupportsSQLFilters | Function | Can be queried to determine if this table is capable of supporting SQL filtering and the Data Dictionary SQL filter interface |
Inherited Methods from BaseData_Set | ||
Add_Client_File | Procedure | Adds a table to this object's related-child list (obsolete) |
Add_Server_File | Procedure | Adds a table to this object's related-parent list (obsolete) |
Add_User_Interface | Procedure | Adds the passed in hoDEO to the list of data entry objects (DEOs) for this object |
Attach_Server | Procedure | Use DDO_Server instead [Obsolete] |
AutoIncrement | Procedure | Handles incrementing of auto-increment columns |
Clear | Procedure | Clears all tables owned by this object |
Clear_All | Procedure | Clears all files owned by this object and all connected server DataDictionary objects (DDOs) |
ClearDDRelates | Procedure | Clears all local DD relationships |
ClearForTable | Procedure | Clears all tables owned by this object by redirecting Clear to the table's owner |
CurrentRowId | Function | Returns the RowId of the current record |
Data_Set_PostFind | Procedure | Hook after a find to allow application or removal of Data Dictionary SQL filters |
Data_Set_PreFind | Procedure | Hook prior to a find to allow application or removal of Data Dictionary SQL filters |
Detach_Server | Procedure | Disconnects this object and the specified DataDictionary object (DDO), where this object was the client of that DDO server |
Establish_Find_Direction | Procedure | Initializes the constrained find commands to perform searches using the given parameters |
Find_By_Recnum | Procedure | Finds record in specified table with record number equal to the passed in record number |
FindByRowId | Procedure | Finds record in specified table with record identity equal to the passed RowId and updates the DDO structure |
FindByRowIdEx | Function | Finds record in specified table with record identity equal to the passed RowId and updates the DDO structure, with silent find errors and returning success or failure |
HasRecord | Function | Determines if the DataDictionary object (DDO) has a current record |
IsCascadeDeleteAllowed | Function | Determines whether a child record can be deleted |
IsRelatesToConstrained | Function | Determines if a child DDO is currently constrained to a particular parent table |
Locate_Next | Procedure | Finds the next logical record using the passed in find mode, file, and index specified in a prior Establish_Find_Direction invocation |
ParentDDOSwitched | Function | Determines whether the parent DDO has switched to a different record |
Read_By_Recnum | Procedure | Finds record in specified tabile with record number equal to the passed in record number |
ReadByRowId | Procedure | Finds record in specified table with record identity equal to the passed RowId without updating or altering the DDO structure |
ReadByRowIdEx | Function | Finds record in specified table with record identity equal to the passed RowId without updating or altering the DDO structure, with silent find errors and returning success or failure |
Rebuild_Constraints | Procedure | Builds the constraint set for a DDO |
RebuildAllConstraints | Procedure | Can be sent to any DDO within a DDO structure to rebuild all constraint within the structure |
Refind_Records | Procedure | Checks to see if the record in the global table buffer is the same as the record in the DDO buffer and refinds the record in the global table buffer if needed |
Remove_Client_File | Procedure | Removes a table from this object's container-file list |
Remove_Server_File | Procedure | Removes a table from this object's server-file list |
Remove_User_Interface | Procedure | Removes a table from this object's data entry object (DEO)-list |
Request_Assign | Procedure | Causes the Refresh message to be sent to all data entry objects for this object and its client and server DataDictionary objects as appropriate |
Request_Clear_File | Procedure | Performs the Clear command on the specified table of the data-server structure |
Request_Delete | Procedure | Responsible for deleting a record in the DDO for the main_file, updating all parent DDOs (and tables) and possibly deleting all child records |
Request_Entry_Update | Procedure | Sends entry_update to all DEOs of the data set and DEOs of servers of the data set as required to store changes to record buffers |
Request_Find | Procedure | Finds on specified table using given find mode and index |
Request_Read | Procedure | Finds on specified table using given find mode and index |
Request_Relate | Procedure | Performs a relate on the specified table without initializing the done-array |
Request_Save | Procedure | Saves all changes in DEOs attached to this object or to any DDO that is a server of this object directly or indirectly |
Request_Superfind | Procedure | Performs superfind on the designated table by the Main_Index of the designated field and notifies all connected DataDictionary objects (DDOs) of the result |
Request_Validate | Function | Request_Validate sends validation messages to all DDO Field's that will participate in the upcoming save |
Validate_Constraints | Function | Validates this object's constraints against the record buffer's current content |
Inherited Methods from cObject | ||
ChildByIndex | Function | Can be used to iterate the direct children of an object |
ClassSuperClass | Function | Returns the superclass of the passed class |
Create | Function | Creates an object based on the passed Class Id |
CreateNamed | Function | Creates an object based on the passed Class Id and assigns it a name Name based on a passed name |
Destroy | Procedure | Destroys the object that receives the message and any child objects of that object |
Exit_Application | Procedure | Starts the process of closing an application |
IsClassOfClass | Function | Determines whether the target class is part of the searched class's hierarchy |
IsObjectOfClass | Function | Determines whether the passed class is part of the object's class hierarchy |
ObjectClass | Function | Returns the integer class ID assigned to the class this object is based on |
Request_Destroy_Object | Procedure | Use the Destroy method instead [Obsolete] |