Methods for cWebBaseDEOServer

View method list in alphabetical order

DataLossConfirmationProcedureDefault data loss Yes/No confirmation message
DDRefreshTableStatusFunctionReturns the table's status for the Refresh event
DeleteConfirmationProcedureDefault delete confirmation message
DEO_Control_ObjectFunctionIndicates if this DEO is a data bindable control or container
DEO_Find_ObjectFunctionIndicates that this DEO understands the DEO Request_Find protocol
Request_ClearProcedurePerforms a DD Clear operation
Request_Clear_AllProcedurePerforms a DD Clear_All operation
Request_DeleteProcedurePerforms a DD delete operation
Request_SaveProcedurePerforms a DD save operation
RequestClearAllExecProcedurePerforms the second half of a DD Clear_All operation which was started by Request_Clear_All
RequestClearExecProcedurePerforms the second half of a DD Clear operation which was started by Request_Clear
RequestDeleteExecProcedurePerforms the second half of a DD delete operation which was started by Request_Delete
RequestSaveExecProcedurePerforms the second half of a DD save operation which was started by Request_Save
SaveClearCancelConfirmationProcedureDefault save, clear, cancel Yes/No/Cancel confirmation message
SaveConfirmationProcedureDefault save confirmation message
ServerDEOFunctionReturns the DEO that sets the server

Inherited Methods from cWebBaseUIObject

AddKeyHandlerProcedureAdds a client side key handler
ConditionalFocusProcedureGives the control the focus but only if the browser platform is not a mobile device (tablet / phone)
DragDataFunctionReturns the DragData for this control
DropDataFunctionReturns the DragData for this control
FocusProcedureGives the control the focus
IsControlAccessibleFunctionDetermines if the control is currently accessible
IsControlEnabledFunctionDetermines if a control is enabled
IsControlRenderedFunctionDetermines if a control is rendered
IsControlVisibleFunctionDetermines if a control is visible
RemoveKeyHandlerProcedureRemoves a client side key handler
ScrollIntoViewProcedureScrolls an object that is currently scrolled out of the view into view

Inherited Methods from cWebObject

CallBackProcedureUse this procedure to delay a task to a new server round-trip
ClientActionProcedureCalls a function of the client JavaScript object
ClientActionExProcedureAdds a client action to the response that will be executed on the client
DEO_ObjectFunctionDetermines if the object understands the DEO interface
HostFunctionReturns a Handle to the Host object of this web object
InitDynamicPropProcedureSets a dynamic property value
IsDynamicObjectFunctionChecks whether the object is dynamic or not
IsLoadedFunctionChecks if the webobject is loaded to the client
NavigateInfoFunctionReturns array of navigation paths that the current object has registered
NavigatePathProcedurePerforms the navigation registered for this web object
ptActionDataFunctionRetrieves the action data for a server action as value tree
SetActionModeProcedureAllows developer to configure a wait dialog for every server-action
UnSyncWebPropertyProcedureUnsynchronizes a client web property
WebMethodByNameFunctionSearches for the message handle of a message based on the name of a web method
WebMethodIsFunctionFunctionDetermines if a web method is a function or a procedure
WebMethodNameFunctionConverts the message handle of a web method into a string
WebObjectByNameFunctionSearches for the object handle of a web object using its public name
WebObjectNameFunctionThe public web object name of this object

Inherited Methods from cObject

ChildByIndexFunctionCan be used to iterate the direct children of an object
ClassSuperClassFunctionReturns the superclass of the passed class
CreateFunctionCreates an object based on the passed Class Id
CreateNamedFunctionCreates an object based on the passed Class Id and assigns it a name Name based on a passed name
DestroyProcedureDestroys the object that receives the message and any child objects of that object
Exit_ApplicationProcedureStarts the process of closing an application
IsClassOfClassFunctionDetermines whether the target class is part of the searched class's hierarchy
IsObjectOfClassFunctionDetermines whether the passed class is part of the object's class hierarchy
ObjectClassFunctionReturns the integer class ID assigned to the class this object is based on
Request_Destroy_ObjectProcedureUse the Destroy method instead [Obsolete]