Name | Description |
pbAllowHtml | (Client Web Property) Determines whether HTML can be used in the caption of menu items or if text will be escaped |
pbChildScopes | (Client Web Property) Allows use of the same context menu for multiple menu items |
pbServerOnContextMenuOpen | (Client Web Property) Determines whether server OnContextMenuOpen event fires |
pbServerOnItemClick | (Client Web Property) Determines whether the OnItemClick event will fire on the server when a dynamically created menu item is clicked |
pbShowIcons | (Client Web Property) Determine whether icons will be displayed for child menu items |
peContext | (Client Web Property) Provides framework integrated contexts, such as interactions with weblist rows, treeviews and tags |
phoControl | Determines the zone/html-element the Menu can appear in |
piMaxHeight | (Client Web Property) Determines the maximum height of the ContextMenu to be shown |
psClientOnContextMenuOpen | (Client Web Property) Name of client side OnContextMenuOpen event handler |
psClientOnItemClick | (Client Web Property) Can be used to set a JavaScript handler for the OnItemClick event |
psContextCSSSelector | (Client Web Property) Indicates the specific html-element within phoControl that it should appear upon |
psContextScopeName | (Client Web Property) Returns the web object name of the control the context menu opened on |
psContextValue | (Client Web Property) Contains data retrieved by the current context value during OnClick event |
psControlName | (Client Web Property) Name of a context menu control |
psGroupName | (Client Web Property) Identifies the menu group for menu items that are provided by a menu group (cWebMenuGroup) |
Inherited Properties from cWebFloatingPanel | |
pbFocusOnShow | (Client Web Property) Determines whether the panel will try to take the focus as soon as it is shown |
pbHideOnBlur | (Client Web Property) Determines whether the panel will automatically hide itself if it loses the focus |
pbHideOnEscape | (Client Web Property) |
pbNaturalWidth | (Client Web Property) |
pbServerOnHide | (Client Web Property) Determines whether server OnHide event fires when panel is hidden |
pbShrinkIfNoSpace | (Client Web Property) Determines whether the floating panel will make itself smaller if it doesn't fit the screen |
pePosition | (Client Web Property) Determines how the floating panel calculates it position and its size |
phoFloatByControl | Determines by which control the panel will be floating |
piBottom | (Client Web Property) Determines the position of the panel towards the bottom of the browser window, in pixels |
piContentWidth | (Client Web Property) Fixes the width of the content area of the panel, in pixels |
piHeight | (Client Web Property) Determines the height of the floating panel |
piLeft | (Client Web Property) Determines the position of the panel towards the left of the browser window, in pixels |
piRight | (Client Web Property) Determines the position of the panel towards the right of the browser window, in pixels |
piTop | (Client Web Property) Determines the position of the panel towards the top of the browser window, in pixels |
piWidth | (Client Web Property) Determines the width of the panel in pixels |
psClientOnHide | (Client Web Property) Name of the client-side JavaScript function handling the OnHide event |
psFloatByControl | (Client Web Property) Determines by which control the floating panel will float |
Inherited Properties from cWebBaseContainer | |
pbScroll | (Client Web Property) Determines whether the container will show a scrollbar (if needed) |
peLayoutType | (Client Web Property) Sets the layout type to use for this container: grid or flow |
piColumnCount | (Client Web Property) Count of colums in the current web group |
piDefaultRowHeight | (Client Web Property) Sets the default minimum row height for each row that is not assigned via psRowHeights |
piMinHeight | (Client Web Property) The minimum height of the container in pixels |
piMinWidth | (Client Web Property) The minimum width of the container in pixels |
piRowCount | (Client Web Property) Sets the minimal amount of rows to display in this grid's container |
psColumnWidths | (Client Web Property) Allows custom column width to be specified, overriding the default column width |
psDefaultColumnWidth | (Client Web Property) Sets the default width value for each column that is not assigned via psColumnWidths |
psRowHeights | (Client Web Property) Allows custom row heights to be specified, overriding the default row height |
Inherited Properties from cWebBaseDEOServer | |
Auto_Fill_State | Determines whether first record should be found automatically after a clear |
pbClearAfterSave | Determines whether DDOs and DEOs clear after a successful save |
Server | Returns the object id of the database agent of this object |
Verify_Data_Loss_msg | Specifies the message to use for data loss confirmation |
Verify_Delete_msg | Specifies the message to use for delete confirmation |
Verify_Save_msg | Specifies the message to use for save confirmation |
Inherited Properties from cWebBaseUIObject | |
pbDragDropEnabled | (Client Web Property) Determines whether drag and drop is supported by this control |
pbEnabled | (Client Protected Web Property) Determines whether the control can accept the focus |
pbNoAccessibilityCheck | Controls whether the framework looks at pbRender, pbVisible and pbEnabled of itself or its parents to determine if the control is accessible |
pbRender | (Client Protected Web Property) Determines whether the control's elements are present in HTML |
pbVisible | (Client Protected Web Property) Determines whether the control's elements are visible or hidden |
psBackgroundColor | (Client Web Property) The background color of the web control |
psClientOnRender | (Client Web Property) Name of the JavaScript function that will execute directly after the UI Object is rendered |
psCSSClass | (Client Web Property) Determines the CSS class the object uses |
psHtmlId | (Client Web Property) The object's HTML element Id |
psTextColor | (Client Web Property) The text color of the web control |
Inherited Properties from cWebObject | |
phoActionJsonData | Handle to a JSON Object representing the action data during a server action |
psDynamicObjectId | The (unique) ID of the dynamic object |
psJSClass | Determines which JavaScript class belongs to the DataFlex class |
Inherited Properties from cObject | |
Child_Count | Returns the number of child objects the object contains |
Delegation_Mode | Determines if and how unknown messages are delegated |
Name | Returns the full name of the object including parentage |
Object_Id | Returns the object handle of the object, can be used to determine if an object exists |
Object_Label | Returns the short name of an object |
Parent | Returns the parent of an object |
peNeighborhood | Determines how an object and its descendents participate in object neighborhood referencing |