Events for cWebGeoLocation

View event list in hierarchical order

NameDescriptionDefining Class
AllowServerActionProvides a basic hook for controlling server actions based on user rightscWebObject
Construct_ObjectObject constructor. Initializes the object during object creation in class definitionscObject
Destroy_ObjectSent when an object is about to be destroyedcObject
End_Construct_ObjectEnd of object constructor.cObject
OnCallEndCalled at the end of a webapp client callcWebObject
OnErrorEvent triggered when the browser gives back errors while querying the location
OnGetNavigateBackDataCalled during a NavigateClose operation, used to pass data back for a non-relational lookup in a mobile web application (drilldown interface)cWebObject
OnGetNavigateForwardDataCan be used by the developer to customize the data in tWebNavigateData during forward navigation in a mobile web application (drilldown interface)cWebObject
OnLoadCalled for each cWebObject during LoadView or LoadWebAppcWebObject
OnLocationChangeEvent triggered on location changes when using continuous tracking
OnNavigateBackSent to the object that invoked the view that is being closed in a mobile web application (drilldown interface)cWebObject