psClientOnError - cWebGeoLocation

Name of the client-side OnError event

Type: Property (Web Property)

Access: Read/Write

Data Type: String

Parameters: None

 { WebProperty=Client }
 Property String psClientOnError

Web Property Read Access: WebGet psClientOnError to StringVariable
Web Property Write Access: WebSet psClientOnError to StringVariable/Value

Read Access: Get psClientOnError to StringVariable
Write Access: Set psClientOnError to StringVariable/Value


Set psClientOnError to the name of a global JavaScript client-side event handler. A client side error will fire the named event on the client.

Client-side events can be useful when you wish to perform some operation that does not require data or services from the server. Eliminating the need for a round-trip to the server also optimizes the performance of your web application.

Implementing a client-side event handler requires knowledge of JavaScript and the DataFlex Web Framework JavaScript engine.

About Web Properties
Each web property maintains two values: The regular property value is set during object creation and should not be changed during the lifetime of that object. To access that value, use the standard property Get and Set syntax.
The web property value is the local value stored at each client. This is synchronized to the client's local value whenever a server call is being processed. To access the web property value, use the WebGet and WebSet syntax above instead of the standard Get and Set syntax.