Events for cWebHttpHandler

View event list in hierarchical order

NameDescriptionDefining Class
Construct_ObjectObject constructor. Initializes the object during object creation in class definitionscObject
Destroy_ObjectSent when an object is about to be destroyedcObject
End_Construct_ObjectEnd of object constructor.cObject
OnHttpDeleteTriggered for each DELETE request that comes in
OnHttpGetTriggered for each GET request that comes in
OnHttpPatchTriggered for each PATCH request that comes in
OnHttpPostTriggered for each POST request that comes in
OnHttpPutTriggered for each PUT request that comes in
OnHttpRequestFires for each HTTP request that comes in
OnPostRequestTriggered after a request is handled by the OnHttp. events.
OnPreRequestTriggered before a request is handled by the OnHttp... events.
OnReleaseProcessSent before a process is released back into the pool