psUrl - cWebIFrame

The URL of the content in the IFrame

Type: Property (Web Property)

Access: Read/Write

Data Type: String

Parameters: None

 { WebProperty=Client }
 Property String psUrl

Web Property Read Access: WebGet psUrl to StringVariable
Web Property Write Access: WebSet psUrl to StringVariable/Value

Read Access: Get psUrl to StringVariable
Write Access: Set psUrl to StringVariable/Value


Set psURL to the URL of the content you wish to insert in the IFrame.

Object oIFrame is a cWebIFrame
    Set psUrl to "PDFs/LumberCatalog.pdf"

In the above example, the URL represents a file (LumberCataLog.pdf) located in the PDFs sub folder of the web application's URL. Any file that is located in the web application's URL (or a sub folder) can be referenced in this way.

Object oIFrame is a cWebIFrame
    Set psUrl to ""

In the above example, the entire URL to a file (LumberCataLog.pdf) is specified. This file may be located in any reachable URL.


Object oInventory is a cWebView
    Set psCaption to "Inventory Browser"
    Set piColumnCount to 3
    Set pbClearAfterSave to False
    Set piWidth to 750
    Object oInvt_DD is a Invt_DataDictionary

    Set Main_DD to oInvt_DD
    Set Server  to oInvt_DD

    Object oItem_ID is a cWebForm
        Set psLabel to "Stock Code:"
        Entry_Item Invt.Item_ID

    Object oDescription is a cWebForm
        Set psLabel to "Description:"
        Set piColumnIndex to 1
        Set piColumnSpan to 2
        Entry_Item Invt.Description

    Object oCatalog is a cWebIFrame 
        Set piHeight to 500
        Set psUrl to "Catalogs/LumberCatalog.pdf"

    Object oPaversBtn is a cWebButton
        Set psCaption to "Show Pavers"

        Procedure OnClick
            WebSet psURL of oCatalog to "Catalogs/PaversCatalog.pdf"

The above example demonstrates a web view with two web forms for browsing data from the Inventory table. Below this, an IFrame is used to embed a .pdf file (LumberCataLog.pdf) located in the Catalogs sub-folder of the web application's URL. This is followed by a web button. The button's OnClick event uses the WebSet command to change the .pdf file displayed in the IFrame.

This example also demonstrates the use of the Set command, to set the design-time value of psURL, and the WebSet command to change the local value of psURL for the client that made the OnClick call.

About Web Properties
Each web property maintains two values: The regular property value is set during object creation and should not be changed during the lifetime of that object. To access that value, use the standard property Get and Set syntax.
The web property value is the local value stored at each client. This is synchronized to the client's local value whenever a server call is being processed. To access the web property value, use the WebGet and WebSet syntax above instead of the standard Get and Set syntax.