Class: cWebListExpandPanel

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A container child of a web list that can contain any other control and it will expand below a specific row



Library: Web Application Class Library

Package: cWebListExpandPanel.pkg


This control should be used in combination with a cWebList, the object should be a direct child of the cWebList object. The panel is a container that can contain any other control and it will expand below a specific row. Only one row can be expanded, so when expanding below another row all other rows will collapse. By default, the panel will size to its content, but a fixed height can also be set using piHeight.

When the panel expands (and collapses) is configured by the peMode property. It can open automatically when the current row is changed, only when a row is clicked or manually (from DataFlex code).


This example shows a list with vendors that when clicked expand to show details of this specific vendor. The screenshot below illustrates the result.

Object oList is a cWebList
    Set piColumnSpan to 0
    Set pbFillHeight to True
    Set psCSSClass to "MobileList"
    Set piSortColumn to 0
    Set pbServerOnRowClick to True
    Set pbShowHeader to False
    Set peDbGridType to gtAllData

    Object oVendorName1 is a cWebColumn
        Entry_Item Vendor.Name
        Set psCaption to "Vendor Name"
        Set piWidth to 315
        Set psCSSClass to "RowCaption"

    Object oVendorVendor_Number is a cWebColumn
        Entry_Item Vendor.ID
        Set psCaption to "ID"
        Set piWidth to 50
        Set pbFixedWidth to True
        Set peAlign to alignRight

    Object oWebListExpandPanel1 is a cWebListExpandPanel
        Set piColumnCount to 13
        Set peMode to wleOpenOnRowClickCloseOnChange
        Object oVendor_Address1 is a cWebForm
            Entry_Item Vendor.Address
            Set piColumnSpan to 7
            Set psLabel to "Street Address"
            Set peLabelPosition to lpTop

        Object oVendor_Zip is a cWebForm
            Entry_Item Vendor.Zip
            Set piColumnSpan to 5
            Set psLabel to "Zip/Postal Code"
            Set peLabelPosition to lpTop
            Set piColumnIndex to 8

        Object oVendor_City1 is a cWebForm
            Entry_Item Vendor.City
            Set piColumnSpan to 7
            Set psLabel to "City"
            Set peLabelPosition to lpTop

        Object oVendor_State is a cWebCombo
            Entry_Item Vendor.State
            Set piColumnSpan to 5
            Set psLabel to "State"
            Set peLabelPosition to lpTop
            Set piColumnIndex to 8

        Object oVendor_Phone_Number is a cWebForm
            Entry_Item Vendor.Phone_Number
            Set piColumnSpan to 6
            Set psLabel to "Phone Number"
            Set peLabelPosition to lpTop

        Object oVendor_Fax_Number is a cWebForm
            Entry_Item Vendor.Fax_Number
            Set piColumnSpan to 6
            Set psLabel to "Fax Number"
            Set peLabelPosition to lpTop
            Set piColumnIndex to 7


Drag and Drop Support

This control can be used as a valid drop target by registering it as such in a cWebDragDropHelper object.

The supported actions for this control are:
- C_WebDropOnControl

This allows the control to accept data dragged from elsewhere in the control (if configured that way) and can also be used to accept files when registered within a cWebDragDropFileHelper.