piWidth - cWebListSwipeButton

Determines the width of the swipe button in pixels

Type: Property (Web Property)

Access: Read/Write

Data Type: Integer

Parameters: None

 { WebProperty=Client }
 Property Integer piWidth

Web Property Read Access: WebGet piWidth to IntegerVariable
Web Property Write Access: WebSet piWidth to IntegerVariable/Value

Read Access: Get piWidth to IntegerVariable
Write Access: Set piWidth to IntegerVariable/Value


Determines the width of the swipe button in pixels.

If left to 0 (the default value), it will size according to its content and the CSS.

About Web Properties
Each web property maintains two values: The regular property value is set during object creation and should not be changed during the lifetime of that object. To access that value, use the standard property Get and Set syntax.
The web property value is the local value stored at each client. This is synchronized to the client's local value whenever a server call is being processed. To access the web property value, use the WebGet and WebSet syntax above instead of the standard Get and Set syntax.