Use the cWebPanel class to divide the layout of your view or dialog into regions: top, bottom, left, right and center. These panels can then be used to group together different controls.
For example, you may wish to divide a view into a title region (top), a list of items (left), a layout of data entry controls (center) and a column of text (right).
Object oPanelView is a cWebView Set psCaption to "Multi Panel View" Set piHeight to 300 Set piWidth to 300 Object oTopPanel is a cWebPanel Set peRegion to prTop Set psBackgroundColor to "Blue" Object oTopLabel is a cWebLabel Set psCaption to "Top" Set psBackgroundColor to "#AAAAFF" Set peAlign to alignCenter End_Object End_Object Object oCenterPanel is a cWebPanel Set psBackgroundColor to "Orange" Object oCenterLabel is a cWebLabel Set psCaption to "Center" Set psBackgroundColor to "#FFDDAA" Set peAlign to alignCenter Set pbFillHeight to True End_Object End_Object Object oLeftPanel is a cWebPanel Set peRegion to prLeft Set psBackgroundColor to "#4343FB" Set piWidth to 60 Object oLeftLabel is a cWebLabel Set psCaption to "Left" Set psBackgroundColor to "#AAAAFF" Set peAlign to alignCenter Set pbFillHeight to True End_Object End_Object Object oRightPanel is a cWebPanel Set peRegion to prRight Set psBackgroundColor to "#4343FB" Set piWidth to 60 Object oRightLabel is a cWebLabel Set psCaption to "Right" Set psBackgroundColor to "#AAAAFF" Set peAlign to alignCenter Set pbFillHeight to True End_Object End_Object Object oBottomPanel is a cWebPanel Set peRegion to prBottom Set psBackgroundColor to "Blue" Object oBottomLabel is a cWebLabel Set psCaption to "Bottom" Set psBackgroundColor to "#AAAAFF" Set peAlign to alignCenter End_Object End_Object End_Object
The above example illustrates a view that is divided into Top, Bottom, Left, Right and center panels. Each panel then contains a single cWebLabel control.
The Web Framework uniquely identifies each web object via a combination of the object hierarchy (object nesting), and object name. This means that web object names must be unique within their parent (i.e. each sibling web object must have a unique name).
Panel controls must be placed within a web container (e.g. cWebPanel, cWebView or cWebModalDialog).
Panels may be siblings of other panel objects; however you may not mix web panels and web controls as sibling objects. For example the following sample demonstrates an invalid layout of web objects:
Object oView is a cWebView Set piHeight to 200 Set piWidth to 400 // This is "not" a valid layout of web objects! Object oTop is a cWebPanel Set peRegion to prTop Set piHeight to 30 Set psBackgroundColor to "#CCCCFF" End_Object Object oCenter is a cWebPanel Set peRegion to prCenter Set psBackgroundColor to "#CCFFCC" End_Object Object oButton is a cWebButton End_Object End_Object
The above example declares two sibling panel objects inside a view followed by a sibling button object. Once you begin dividing a view into panel regions you can no longer place controls as direct child objects of that view. Instead, your controls must be placed inside these new regions, i.e. inside the panel objects.
A correct way to write the previous example would be to place the button inside one of the existing panels, or to create a new panel to host the button, for example:
Object oView is a cWebView Set piHeight to 200 Set piWidth to 400 // This is a valid layout Object oTop is a cWebPanel Set peRegion to prTop Set piHeight to 30 Set psBackgroundColor to "#CCCCFF" End_Object Object oCenter is a cWebPanel Set peRegion to prCenter Set psBackgroundColor to "#CCFFCC" End_Object Object oBottom is a cWebPanel Set peRegion to prBottom Object oButton is a cWebButton End_Object End_Object End_Object
Create two or more sibling panel objects to divide a parent container into regions. Set peRegion to determine whether a panel is positioned at the top, bottom, left, right or center of its parent container.
No two sibling panel objects can share the same peRegion setting, e.g. you cannot have two top panels that are sibling objects.
The center panel is a special case; it is designed to grow into the remaining space not occupied by the other sibling panels. Any set of sibling panels must contain one (and only one) center panel. The default panel region is center, i.e. peRegion = prCenter
The following examples demonstrate valid and invalid panel layouts:
Object oView is a cWebView Set piHeight to 200 Set piWidth to 400 // This is an invalid layout Object oTop is a cWebPanel Set peRegion to prTop Set piHeight to 30 Set psBackgroundColor to "#CCCCFF" End_Object Object oBottom is a cWebPanel Set peRegion to prBottom Set piHeight to 170 Set psBackgroundColor to "#CCFFCC" End_Object End_Object
The above layout is invalid because it does not contain a center panel. A correct way to divide a view into top and bottom regions is as follows:
Object oView is a cWebView Set piHeight to 200 Set piWidth to 400 Object oTop is a cWebPanel Set peRegion to prTop Set piHeight to 30 Set psBackgroundColor to "#CCCCFF" End_Object Object oBottom is a cWebPanel Set peRegion to prCenter Set psBackgroundColor to "#CCFFCC" End_Object End_Object
Note that although the second panel is named oBottom, its peRegion value is set to prCenter. peRegion is set to prCenter here for clarity. Since prCenter is the default, setting peRegion value to this setting is redundant. Because a center panel will consume whatever space remains after its sibling panels are rendered, it will effectively become the bottom panel in this layout. It is unnecessary (actually incorrect) to set a piHeight for the center panel.
Another way to divide the view into top and bottom regions would be to create a center and bottom panel.
The size of a panel is determined by a number of factors, such as the contents of the panel and whether there is an explicit height or width setting. The panel size will also depend on the panel's region and the size of the parent container.
Top and bottom panels will consume the entire width of their parent container. Do not explicitly set the piWidth property of a panel with peRegion setting of prTop or prBottom.
By default, the height of a top or bottom panel will be determined by the height of the controls contained within it.
Set piHeight in a top or bottom panel to give the panel a fixed height (in pixels), regardless of the controls contained within it.
Left and right panels will consume the remaining height of their parent container (after subtracting the height of any sibling top or bottom panels). Do not explicitly set the piHeight property of a panel with peRegion setting of prLeft or prRight.
By default, the width of a left or right panel will be determined by the width of the controls contained within it.
Set piWidth in a left or right panel to give the panel a fixed width (in pixels), regardless of the controls contained within it.
The size of a center panel is determined by whatever space remains after any sibling top, bottom, left and right panels have been rendered. Do not explicitly set the piHeight or piWidth of a panel with peRegion setting of prCenter.
Left and right panels can be resized with the mouse to change the width, while top and bottom panels can be resized to change the height. The center panel will always readjust itself to occupy the remaining space.
Set pbResizable to true in a top, bottom, left or right panel to allow users to resize them with the mouse. The pbResizable property has no meaning in a center panel and it should not be set.
Set piMinHeight in a top or bottom panel to determine the minimum height of a resizable top or bottom panel.
Set piMinWidth in a left or right panel to determine the minimum width of a resizable left or right panel.
Each panel supports its own column layout system to control the layout of any nested control objects (e.g. button, form, grid, treeview, checkbox, etc).
Set piColumnCount to determine the number of layout columns in the panel. For more information, see Positioning and Layout of Controls.
Each panel can be further subdivided into a set of nested top, bottom, left, right and center panels. The same rules that apply to dividing a view into panels also apply when dividing a panel into sub panels.
Panel sub-division can be useful when your view requires a complicated layout.
Object oRightPanel is a cWebPanel Set peRegion to prRight Set piWidth to 60 Object oRightTopPanel is a cWebPanel Set peRegion to prTop Set psBackgroundColor to "Blue" Set piHeight to 50 End_Object Object oRightBottomPanel is a cWebPanel Set peRegion to prCenter Set psBackgroundColor to "Red" End_Object End_Object
In the above example, a right panel is divided into top and bottom regions by nesting a two panels with peRegion settings of prTop and prCenter.
There is no technical limit to how many layers of sub-panel you can create, however more than two levels of sub-panel division could be difficult to manage and is probably of little use.
This control can be used as a valid drop target by registering it as such in a cWebDragDropHelper object.
The supported actions for this control are:
- C_WebDropOnControl
This allows the control to accept data dragged from elsewhere in the control (if configured that way) and can also be used to accept files when registered within a cWebDragDropFileHelper.
The color of a panel is determined by the web application's CSS theme (psTheme). You can define additional or replacement CSS styles in your web application's application.css file. Set psCSSClass to the CSS class name you would like to be applied to a panel.
Set psBackgroundColor directly override the control's CSS themed color.