pbAutoServer - cWebPromptList

Determines if the object will use the invoking object's server DDO or its own DDO. Can be used to acquire the constraints of the invoking object's DDO.

Type: Property

Access: Read/Write

Data Type: Boolean

Parameters: None

 Property Boolean pbAutoServer

Read Access: Get pbAutoServer to BooleanVariable
Write Access: Set pbAutoServer to BooleanVariable/Value


If the value of the pbAutoServer property is True, this object will use the Data Dictionary Object (DDO) from invoking object's DDO structure that matches its table. If it is False, it will use its own DDO. Setting pbAutoServer allows you to use the constraints that are defined in the invoking object's DDO structure. This allows a single prompt object to be used with different views containing different constraints.

When pbAutoServer is True, the prompt list attaches itself to the invoking object's server structure during activating and detaches itself during deactivation. When used this way, the prompt list uses the invoking DD in a read-mode. If only uses the DD for reading records and it does not actually change the value of any DD's current record.

Even if pbAutoServer is set to True, you must still define a DDO Server for the prompt list, as this is required to determine what the prompt list's main table should be, and for some reading operations. The DDO in the lookup list should not have constraints defined; if they are defined, they should be less constraining than the filters in the DDO of the invoking view.

Default is False.