psDocumentation - cWebService

Provides documentation for a Web-service that is added to the WSDL document

Type: Property

Access: Read/Write

Data Type: String

Parameters: None

 Property String psDocumentation

Read Access: Get psDocumentation to StringVariable
Write Access: Set psDocumentation to StringVariable/Value


psDocumentation is used create a string that documents your web service. The documentation will appear in your web-service's description (WSDL) and will therefore be seen by clients using this service. Every web-service should contain documentation.

Because psDocumenation may be long, this property is not exposed in the Studio's Property panel. Instead the code appears directly in your WSO and is coded in a format that makes it easy to create a long string (i.e., easy to create complete documentation). When a WSO object is created within the studio, the following text will appear inside the object.

// psDocumentation provides high level documentation of your web service. Clients using
// this service will see and use this documentation. 
Set psDocumentation to ;
    ("DataFlex Web Service .... " +;
      " ... " +  ;

This code is formatted in this way to demonstrate how a long string can be created over multiple lines. This is done by breaking the string into multi-line parts and using the "+;" to connect these parts over multiple lines. For example, you may wish set this property as follows:

// psDocumentation provides high level documentation of your web service. Clients using
// this service will see and use this documentation. 
Set psDocumentation to ;
    ("This service tracks the order status for the XYZ company. Serveral different operations are provided " +;
     "which allow you pass in your customer ID and an order number. Depending on the operation you will " +  ;
     "be returned an order shipping date, shipping method or order total. You must be a customer with a " +;
     "valid ID to use this service. If you do not know your ID, call us at 1-800-555-12345" )

Of course, you can also create a simple single line of documentation:

Set psDocumentation to "This does stuff"