ValidateSession - cWebSessionManagerStandard

Called as part of each server request to make sure the session is valid

Type: Function

Return Data Type: Boolean

Parameters: String sSessionKey

sSessionKeySession key to valdiate

Return Value

Function ValidateSession String sSessionKey Returns Boolean

Call: Get ValidateSession sSessionKey to BooleanVariable


Each server call received from a client is verified using the session key attached to that call. To be considered a valid session, the session key must already be stored in the WebAppSession table. In addition, the session key must:

- Be marked as active. Send EndSession to deactivate a session key.
- Not have exceeded the session timeout. Set piSessionTimeout to determine how long a session key may remain inactive.

If user login support is activated, then the session must be linked to a verified user account in the WebAppUser table.

After a session is verified the session manager's psUserName property is set to the verified user ID, the psLoginName property to the user's full name and the piUserRights property to the user's rights level.

Augment the ValidateSession method to perform additional tasks while a session key is being validated.