Properties for cWebToolBar

View property list in alphabetical order

pbAllowHtml(Client Web Property) Determines whether HTML can be used in the caption of menu items or if text will be escaped
pbFocusable(Client Web Property) Determines whether the control will take the focus
pbServerOnItemClick(Client Web Property) Determines whether the OnItemClick event will fire on the server when a dynamically created menu item is clicked
pbShowCaption(Client Web Property) Determines whether psCaption value of child menu items is shown
pbShowIcons(Client Web Property) Determines whether icons associated with child menu items are shown
peAlign(Client Web Property) Determines alignment of the items when positioning the toolbar like a control
psClientOnItemClick(Client Web Property) Can be used to set a JavaScript handler for the OnItemClick event
psGroupName(Client Web Property) Identifies the menu group for menu items that are provided by a menu group (cWebMenuGroup)

Inherited Properties from cWebBaseControl

pbFillHeight(Client Web Property) Determines whether the control fills all vertical space or not
pbServerOnBlur(Client Web Property) Controls whether the OnBlur event is sent to the server when the control loses the focus at the client
pbServerOnFocus(Client Web Property) Controls whether the OnFocus event is sent to the server when the control receives the focus at the client
pbShowLabel(Client Web Property) Determines whether space is assigned for the label in the column layout
peLabelAlign(Client Web Property) Determines whether the label text is aligned to the left, right or center of the label area
peLabelPosition(Client Web Property) Determines whether the label will be positioned to the left, right or above the control
piColumnIndex(Client Web Property) Determines the control's X-coordinate placement in the containing object's column layout
piColumnSpan(Client Web Property) Determines the control's width in the containing object's column layout
piHeight(Client Web Property) The height of the control in pixels
piLabelOffset(Client Web Property) Determines the width of the area occupied by the control's label
piMinHeight(Client Web Property) The minimum height of the control in pixels
piRowIndex(Client Web Property) Positions the control at the set row index on the grid
piRowSpan(Client Web Property) Causes a control to span 1 or more rows
psClientOnBlur(Client Web Property) Assigns a client-side OnBlur event to the control
psClientOnFocus(Client Web Property) Assigns a client-side OnFocus event to the control
psLabel(Client Web Property) The control's descriptive label
psLabelColor(Client Web Property) Label text color
psToolTip(Client Web Property) Tooltip that is displayed when the mouse is hovered over the control

Inherited Properties from cWebBaseDEOServer

Auto_Fill_StateDetermines whether first record should be found automatically after a clear
pbClearAfterSaveDetermines whether DDOs and DEOs clear after a successful save
ServerReturns the object id of the database agent of this object
Verify_Data_Loss_msgSpecifies the message to use for data loss confirmation
Verify_Delete_msgSpecifies the message to use for delete confirmation
Verify_Save_msgSpecifies the message to use for save confirmation

Inherited Properties from cWebBaseUIObject

pbDragDropEnabled(Client Web Property) Determines whether drag and drop is supported by this control
pbEnabled(Client Protected Web Property) Determines whether the control can accept the focus
pbNoAccessibilityCheckControls whether the framework looks at pbRender, pbVisible and pbEnabled of itself or its parents to determine if the control is accessible
pbRender(Client Protected Web Property) Determines whether the control's elements are present in HTML
pbVisible(Client Protected Web Property) Determines whether the control's elements are visible or hidden
psBackgroundColor(Client Web Property) The background color of the web control
psClientOnRender(Client Web Property) Name of the JavaScript function that will execute directly after the UI Object is rendered
psCSSClass(Client Web Property) Determines the CSS class the object uses
psHtmlId(Client Web Property) The object's HTML element Id
psTextColor(Client Web Property) The text color of the web control

Inherited Properties from cWebObject

phoActionJsonDataHandle to a JSON Object representing the action data during a server action
psDynamicObjectIdThe (unique) ID of the dynamic object
psJSClassDetermines which JavaScript class belongs to the DataFlex class

Inherited Properties from cObject

Child_CountReturns the number of child objects the object contains
Delegation_ModeDetermines if and how unknown messages are delegated
NameReturns the full name of the object including parentage
Object_IdReturns the object handle of the object, can be used to determine if an object exists
Object_LabelReturns the short name of an object
ParentReturns the parent of an object
peNeighborhoodDetermines how an object and its descendents participate in object neighborhood referencing