OnCustomizeWebViewStyle - cWebView

Hook to customize a view based on its peWebViewStyle -- sent during End_Construct_Object

Type: Event

Parameters: None

Procedure OnCustomizeWebViewStyle 


OnCustomizeWebViewStyle is sent during End_Construct_Object and was created to allow you to customize view properties based on the view's peWebViewStyle. This would most likely be used when sub classing the cWebView object.

The peWebViewStyle property will have been set by this point. It will have either been set automatically (based on the parent cWebView object's peApplicationStyle property) or manually within your object or class (e.g., Set peWebViewStyle to wvsDrillDown).

Based on this value, the view sets various properties in End_Construct_Object such as pbClearAfterSave, pbFindKeys and pbOverrideStateOnShow. After these are set, OnCustomizeWebViewStyle is sent, allowing you to further customize the view based on this style.

In most cases, the defaults set by cWebView are what you want and you will not need to use this event.