OnNavigateForwardPreFindInit - cWebView

Called during NavigateForward, can be used as a hook to apply additional constraints to the view

Type: Event

Parameters: tWebNavigateData NavigateData Handle hoInvokingObject

NavigateDatatWebNavigateData variable that can be manipulated in this event
hoInvokingObjectHandle of invoking object

Procedure OnNavigateForwardPreFindInit tWebNavigateData NavigateData Handle hoInvokingObject


This is called during NavigateForward after the automatic constraints have been applied but before the constraints have been rebuilt and any records have been found for the view.

This primarily exists to give you a chance to apply any additional constraints to the view. You can also use this to set any finding properties such as piSortColumn, etc.

You should not use this to find DataDictionary (DD) records or fill the DataDictionary objects (DDOs) yourself, as this will happen automatically as they next step in view initialization. You should not send RebuildAllConstraints (or Rebuild_Constraints) in the event. That will happen next.

You would use this if you need to apply constraints that are unique to how this view is being used in a particular navigation context.

You would do this by WebSetting custom view properties to the filter values. When the DDO constraints are rebuilt, which happens immediately after the event, you would use these web properties in your OnConstrain event to build your constraint filter.

If you have constraints that apply to a large number of views, such as a Company ID, you probably do not want to set these filters here. Instead, you would WebSet these properties elsewhere using the same technique you might use for a desktop-style web application.

OnNavigateForwardPreFindInit only fires if there is a DDO Structure with a Main_DD in the component (e.g. cWebView).