NavigateCancel - cWebView

Send this to the view being closed if you wish to cancel a selection operation in a mobile web application (drilldown interface)

Type: Procedure

Parameters: None

Procedure NavigateCancel 

Call: Send NavigateCancel


NavigateCancel is similar to NavigateClose, except it will not update the invoking view with a selected value.

You would send this to the view being closed if you wished to cancel a selection operation in a mobile web application (drilldown interface). Selecting the second to top breadcrumb item also performs a NavigateCancel.

Before the view is closed, it will make sure that any changes are saved or ignored as desired. It will not update the invoking view.

In most cases, the above is all you need to know about NavigateCancel - just send the message. The process is described here in more detail. Note that it is much like NavigateClose without the update at the end.

NavigateCancel performs a close by sending NavigateCancelExec (private). If the view being closed has changes, special handling is required. You can choose to present a confirmation dialog (either "Save Changes - Yes/No/Cancel" or "Abandon Changes - Yes/No"), save the changes without confirmation or abandon the changes without confirmation. The different options for closing a changed view are controlled by the peChangedViewExitAction, Verify_SaveClearCancel_msg, Verify_Data_Loss_msg properties.

If there are no changes in the view or if there is need for a close confirmation, NavigateCancelExec will be called directly. If changes exist and a confirmation is required, a client confirmation dialog will be presented.

If the close is confirmed, NavigateCancelExec is called indirectly by the client in the next request/response cycle. If the close is not confirmed, the close process is halted.

NavigateCancelExec may require a save. If a save is required and this save fails, the close will be halted. Assuming the close process continues, the closing view will be removed and the invoking view will now be the top view.

See Also

NavigateBegin | NavigateCancelTo | NavigateClose | NavigateCloseTo | NavigateForward | NavigateForwardCustom | NamedValueAdd | NamedValueGet