OnGetConfigValues - cWebWidgetConfigurationWizard

Called when the cWebWidgetContainer attempts to get the values from the cWebWidgetConfigurationWizard to apply them to the cWebWidget that is currently being configured

Type: Event

Parameters: tWidgetConfigPropValue[] ByRef aNewPropValues

aNewPropValues (ByRef)Array of values for the configurable props to be applied to the cWebWidget. Fill this with information from somewhere inside the cWebWidgetConfigurationWizard.

Procedure OnGetConfigValues tWidgetConfigPropValue[] ByRef aNewPropValues


This event is called when the cWebWidgetContainer attempts to get the values from the cWebWidgetConfigurationWizard to apply them to the cWebWidget that is currently being configured (usually upon closing the wizard).

When building a custom wizard, use this event to extract information from your Wizard's forms, properties, data dictionaries, etc. and fill out the ByRef array.

Procedure OnGetConfigValues tWidgetConfigPropValue[]  ByRef aNewPropValues 
    String sAction sObjId 
    WebGet psValue of oActionRadio1 to sAction 
    Send SetPropValue (&aNewPropValues) "" "psAction" sAction 