Parameter | Description |
aConfigurableProps | Array of configurable props to potentially configure for the cWebWidget |
aCurPropValues | Array of values for the configurable props for the cWebWidget |
Procedure OnPopulateWizard tWidgetConfigProp[] aConfigurableProps tWidgetConfigPropValue[][] aCurPropValues
This event is called during initialization of the cWebWidgetConfigurationWizard.
When building a custom wizard, use this event to initialize certain areas like forms, combos, seed Data Dictionaries etc.
Procedure OnPopulateWizard tWidgetConfigProp[] aConfigurableProps tWidgetConfigPropValue[] aCurPropValues String sAction Get GetPropValue aCurPropValues '' "psAction" to sAction If (sAction = "") ; Move "QueryCustomer" to sAction WebSet psValue of oActionRadio1 to sAction End_Procedure