Name | Description |
Inherited Events from cWebWidgetConfigurationWizard | |
OnGetConfigValues | Called when the cWebWidgetContainer attempts to get the values from the cWebWidgetConfigurationWizard to apply them to the cWebWidget that is currently being configured |
OnPopulateWizard | Called during initialization of the cWebWidgetConfigurationWizard |
Inherited Events from cWebModalDialog | |
OnEscape | Fires when Esc key is pressed |
Inherited Events from cWebView | |
OnCustomizeWebViewStyle | Hook to customize a view based on its peWebViewStyle -- sent during End_Construct_Object |
OnDefineCustomStateHash | Called every time the framework generates a new state hash and hook for developer to add custom values to the state hash |
OnNavigateBackRefindError | Sent when OnNavigateBack fails because it cannot refind a DDO record |
OnNavigateForward | Can be used by the developer to customize the data in tWebNavigateData during forward navigation in a mobile web application (drilldown interface) |
OnNavigateForwardPreFindInit | Called during NavigateForward, can be used as a hook to apply additional constraints to the view |
OnNavigateForwardRefindError | Sent when OnNavigateForward fails because it cannot refind a DDO record |
OnNavigating | Sent as part of the navigation process when navigating into a view or the view being navigated into |
OnRefindRecordError | Sent when any refind DDO record operation fails |
OnRefreshRecordError | Sent when OnRefreshRecord fails |
OnResizeWindow | Sent when the browser window has been resized by the user |
OnSubmit | Called when Enter key is pressed in the view |
OnSyncDDOsRefindError | Sent during a request initialization when it cannot refind a DDO record |
OnViewCleared | Sent to the view after a successful clear |
OnViewDeleted | Sent to the view after a successful delete |
OnViewSaved | Sent to the view after a successful save |
Refresh | Event sent from a DataDictionary object, which is used to synchronize the object's data with the DDO |
Inherited Events from cWebWindow | |
AllowAccess | User hook that fires when view is accessed, determines whether access is allowed |
OnBeforeShow | Fired before the view is shown |
OnHide | Fires when window is hidden |
OnShow | Fires when a window is shown |
OnSyncView | Called for each server call that is received |
Inherited Events from cWebBaseUIObject | |
AllowServerAction | Provides a basic hook for controlling server actions based on user rights |
OnCloseModalDialog | Sent by a modal dialog to its invoking object when the dialog closes |
Inherited Events from cWebObject | |
OnCallEnd | Called at the end of a webapp client call |
OnGetNavigateBackData | Called during a NavigateClose operation, used to pass data back for a non-relational lookup in a mobile web application (drilldown interface) |
OnGetNavigateForwardData | Can be used by the developer to customize the data in tWebNavigateData during forward navigation in a mobile web application (drilldown interface) |
OnLoad | Called for each cWebObject during LoadView or LoadWebApp |
OnNavigateBack | Sent to the object that invoked the view that is being closed in a mobile web application (drilldown interface) |
Inherited Events from cObject | |
Construct_Object | Object constructor. Initializes the object during object creation in class definitions |
Destroy_Object | Sent when an object is about to be destroyed |
End_Construct_Object | End of object constructor. |