Events for cWebWidgetConfigurationWizardStandard

View event list in alphabetical order


Inherited Events from cWebWidgetConfigurationWizard

OnGetConfigValuesCalled when the cWebWidgetContainer attempts to get the values from the cWebWidgetConfigurationWizard to apply them to the cWebWidget that is currently being configured
OnPopulateWizardCalled during initialization of the cWebWidgetConfigurationWizard

Inherited Events from cWebModalDialog

OnEscapeFires when Esc key is pressed

Inherited Events from cWebView

OnCustomizeWebViewStyleHook to customize a view based on its peWebViewStyle -- sent during End_Construct_Object
OnDefineCustomStateHashCalled every time the framework generates a new state hash and hook for developer to add custom values to the state hash
OnNavigateBackRefindErrorSent when OnNavigateBack fails because it cannot refind a DDO record
OnNavigateForwardCan be used by the developer to customize the data in tWebNavigateData during forward navigation in a mobile web application (drilldown interface)
OnNavigateForwardPreFindInitCalled during NavigateForward, can be used as a hook to apply additional constraints to the view
OnNavigateForwardRefindErrorSent when OnNavigateForward fails because it cannot refind a DDO record
OnNavigatingSent as part of the navigation process when navigating into a view or the view being navigated into
OnRefindRecordErrorSent when any refind DDO record operation fails
OnRefreshRecordErrorSent when OnRefreshRecord fails
OnResizeWindowSent when the browser window has been resized by the user
OnSubmitCalled when Enter key is pressed in the view
OnSyncDDOsRefindErrorSent during a request initialization when it cannot refind a DDO record
OnViewClearedSent to the view after a successful clear
OnViewDeletedSent to the view after a successful delete
OnViewSavedSent to the view after a successful save
RefreshEvent sent from a DataDictionary object, which is used to synchronize the object's data with the DDO

Inherited Events from cWebWindow

AllowAccessUser hook that fires when view is accessed, determines whether access is allowed
OnBeforeShowFired before the view is shown
OnHideFires when window is hidden
OnShowFires when a window is shown
OnSyncViewCalled for each server call that is received

Inherited Events from cWebBaseUIObject

AllowServerActionProvides a basic hook for controlling server actions based on user rights
OnCloseModalDialogSent by a modal dialog to its invoking object when the dialog closes

Inherited Events from cWebObject

OnCallEndCalled at the end of a webapp client call
OnGetNavigateBackDataCalled during a NavigateClose operation, used to pass data back for a non-relational lookup in a mobile web application (drilldown interface)
OnGetNavigateForwardDataCan be used by the developer to customize the data in tWebNavigateData during forward navigation in a mobile web application (drilldown interface)
OnLoadCalled for each cWebObject during LoadView or LoadWebApp
OnNavigateBackSent to the object that invoked the view that is being closed in a mobile web application (drilldown interface)

Inherited Events from cObject

Construct_ObjectObject constructor. Initializes the object during object creation in class definitions
Destroy_ObjectSent when an object is about to be destroyed
End_Construct_ObjectEnd of object constructor.