Properties for cWebWidgetConfigurationWizardStandard

View property list in alphabetical order


Inherited Properties from cWebModalDialog

pbCanceled(Client Web Property) Determines whether the dialog was cancelled by the user
pbResizable(Client Web Property) Determines whether the dialog can be resized by the user
pbServerOnEscape(Client Web Property) Determines whether the OnEscape and OnCloseModalDialog events are fired when the dialog is closed via cancel
pbShowClose(Client Web Property) Determines if the dialog has a close button to hide the dialog
pbShowMax(Client Web Property) Determines if the caption has a maximize button to maximize the dialog
pbShowMin(Client Web Property) Determines if the caption has a minimize button to minimize the dialog
piLeft(Client Web Property) Left location coordinate of the dialog
piMinHeight(Client Web Property) The minimum height of the container in pixels
piTop(Client Web Property) Top location coordinate of the dialog
piWidth(Client Web Property) The width of the dialog in pixels
psClientOnEscape(Client Web Property) Determines the name of the client side event to fire whenever the ESC key is pressed
psReturnMessage(Client Web Property) User-defined message sent by a modal dialog to its invoking object when the dialog closes
psReturnObject(Client Web Property) User-defined target for the message sent by a modal dialog when the dialog closes

Inherited Properties from cWebView

Main_DDIdentifies the DataDictionary object that controls the database file, the data from which is central to this object's function
pbClearKeysSet to False to disable the Clear keys (F5 & Ctrl + F5)
pbDeleteKeysSet to False to disable the Delete keys (Shift + F2)
pbDrillDownDynamicConstraintsDetermines if relates-to constraints should be applied automatically during the view's forward navigation
pbFillHeight(Client Web Property) Determines whether the control fills all vertical space or not
pbFindKeysSet to False to disable the Find keys (F8, F7, F9, Ctrl + Home, Ctrl + End)
pbSaveKeysSet to False to disable the Save key (F2)
pbServerOnResizeWindow(Client Web Property)
pbServerOnSubmit(Client Web Property) Determines whether server OnSubmit event fires when page is submitted
pbStateReplaceDetermines whether this view creates a new history item when navigating into the view
pbStateRestoreRecordDetermines whether this view will create a new history item when it is entered
peChangedViewExitActionDetermines how a view should handle unsaved changes when closing a view during during back navigation
peStateModeControls the view's state behavior (how it shows in the application URL)
peViewTypeAssigns a view type
peWebViewStyleDetermines if this a desktop or mobile (drilldown) style view
psClientOnResizeWindow(Client Web Property) Name of the client side function to fire during the OnResizeWindow event
psClientOnSubmit(Client Web Property) Name of client side OnClick event handler
psStateNewRecordIdDetermines the string that is used as record ID for an empty buffer (new record)
psStateViewNameDetermines the name of the view in the state hash
Verify_SaveClearCancel_msgSpecifies the message to use when closing a view for data loss confirmation that uses the Save/Clear/Cancel option

Inherited Properties from cWebWindow

pbFocusFirstOnShow(Client Web Property) Determines if the view or dialog will take the focus when it is shown
pbLoginModeEnforcedDetermines if the peLoginMode property of the cWebApp object should be enforced on this view
pbOverrideStateOnShowDetermines whether view is instantly synchronized on Show
pbServerOnHide(Client Web Property) Determines whether server OnHide event fires when view is hidden
pbServerOnShow(Client Web Property) Determines whether server OnShow event fires when this window is shows
pbShowCaption(Client Web Property) Determines if the web object should show its psCaption value (only changed in cWebView)
phoCommandBarHandle of child cWebCommandbar object
piMaxWidth(Client Web Property) The maximum width of the panel in pixels
psCaption(Client Web Property) The control's label
psClientOnHide(Client Web Property) Name of client side OnHide event handler
psClientOnShow(Client Web Property) Name of client side OnShow event handler
psInvokingView(Client Web Property) Name of the view object that invoked (activated) this window
ServerReturns the object id of the database agent of this object

Inherited Properties from cWebBaseContainer

pbScroll(Client Web Property) Determines whether the container will show a scrollbar (if needed)
peLayoutType(Client Web Property) Sets the layout type to use for this container: grid or flow
piColumnCount(Client Web Property) Count of colums in the current web group
piDefaultRowHeight(Client Web Property) Sets the default minimum row height for each row that is not assigned via psRowHeights
piHeight(Client Web Property) The height of the control in pixels
piMinWidth(Client Web Property) The minimum width of the container in pixels
piRowCount(Client Web Property) Sets the minimal amount of rows to display in this grid's container
psColumnWidths(Client Web Property) Allows custom column width to be specified, overriding the default column width
psDefaultColumnWidth(Client Web Property) Sets the default width value for each column that is not assigned via psColumnWidths
psRowHeights(Client Web Property) Allows custom row heights to be specified, overriding the default row height

Inherited Properties from cWebBaseDEOServer

Auto_Fill_StateDetermines whether first record should be found automatically after a clear
pbClearAfterSaveDetermines whether DDOs and DEOs clear after a successful save
Verify_Data_Loss_msgSpecifies the message to use for data loss confirmation
Verify_Delete_msgSpecifies the message to use for delete confirmation
Verify_Save_msgSpecifies the message to use for save confirmation

Inherited Properties from cWebBaseUIObject

pbDragDropEnabled(Client Web Property) Determines whether drag and drop is supported by this control
pbEnabled(Client Protected Web Property) Determines whether the control can accept the focus
pbNoAccessibilityCheckControls whether the framework looks at pbRender, pbVisible and pbEnabled of itself or its parents to determine if the control is accessible
pbRender(Client Protected Web Property) Determines whether the control's elements are present in HTML
pbVisible(Client Protected Web Property) Determines whether the control's elements are visible or hidden
psBackgroundColor(Client Web Property) The background color of the web control
psClientOnRender(Client Web Property) Name of the JavaScript function that will execute directly after the UI Object is rendered
psCSSClass(Client Web Property) Determines the CSS class the object uses
psHtmlId(Client Web Property) The object's HTML element Id
psTextColor(Client Web Property) The text color of the web control

Inherited Properties from cWebObject

phoActionJsonDataHandle to a JSON Object representing the action data during a server action
psDynamicObjectIdThe (unique) ID of the dynamic object
psJSClassDetermines which JavaScript class belongs to the DataFlex class

Inherited Properties from cObject

Child_CountReturns the number of child objects the object contains
Delegation_ModeDetermines if and how unknown messages are delegated
NameReturns the full name of the object including parentage
Object_IdReturns the object handle of the object, can be used to determine if an object exists
Object_LabelReturns the short name of an object
ParentReturns the parent of an object
peNeighborhoodDetermines how an object and its descendents participate in object neighborhood referencing