AttributeValueNode - cXMLDOMDocumentFragment

Returns the object handle of an atttribute node whose Name matches the passed value

Type: Function

Return Data Type: Handle

Parameters: string sName

sBaseName Name of attribute

Return Value

Returns the object handle of the attribute node whose Name matches the passed value. Returns zero if no match is found.

Function AttributeValueNode string sName Returns Handle

Call: Get AttributeValueNode sName to HandleVariable


AttributeValueNode is used to get the attribute node in an element node that matches the passed Name. Normally, you never need to return an attribute node. If you just need to get the attribute value use AttributeValue.

AttributeValueNode is not namespace aware and should only be used with attributes with no namespaces (i.e., in the global namespace). If you need to create attributes with namespaces you can useAttributeValueNodeNS .

See Also

AttributeValueNodeNS | AttributeValueNS