ChangeNodeClass - cXMLDOMDocumentFragment

Changes the class of an XML node

Type: Function

Return Data Type: Handle

Parameters: Handle hoNode Integer iClassID

hoNodeThe handle of the node class to be changed
iClassIDThe DataFlex class ID (usually U_Classname)

Return Value

Returns an object handle to the newly changed node object.

Function ChangeNodeClass Handle hoNode Integer iClassID Returns Handle

Call: Get ChangeNodeClass hoNode iClassID to HandleVariable


ChangeNodeClass would be used if you wished to change the class of a returned node. Using the passed object handle, the old object is destroyed and a new object is created based on the new type - that handle is returned.

You would only do this if you want to use a sub-class of the node's class.

This let's you change the class id of an object on an object by object basis. This would let you create nodes (e.g. elements) that have a custom interface for each node type. Normally, this would be sent after a node has been created using one of the default classes.

This is a an advanced topic.