EnumerateAttributes - cXMLDOMDocumentFragment

Provides a way to enumerate through all child attributes

Type: Procedure

Parameters: Integer iMsg Handle hoReceiver String sSomeValue

iMsgThe message that is sent
hoReceiverHandle of the object that the message is sent to
sSomeValueValue passed to iMsg message as the second parameter

Procedure EnumerateAttributes Integer iMsg Handle hoReceiver String sSomeValue

Call: Send EnumerateAttributes iMsg hoReceiver sSomeValue


EnumerateAttributes provides a way to enumerate through all child attributes. For each valid node type the message iMsg is sent to the object hoReceiver, passing two parameters - a handle to the attribute node and sSomeValue


Procedure ShowAtt handle hoNode integer iLevel
    string sName sValue

    Get psName of hoNode to sName
    Get psNodeValue of hoNode to sValue
    Showln iLevel " : " sName " - " sValue

Procedure ShowNode handle hoNode integer iLevel string sX
    string sName

    Get psNodeName of hoNode to sName
    ShowLn iLevel " :" sName
    Increment iLevel
    Send EnumerateAttributes of hoNode msg_showAtt  self iLevel
    Send EnumerateElements   of hoNode msg_showNode self iLevel sX

Procedure ShowAll
    handle hoNode

    Get DocumentElement of hoMyXML to hoNode
    Send ShowNode hoNode 1 ""

See Also

EnumerateElements | EnumerateNodes