SetChildNodeValue - cXMLDOMDocumentFragment

Allows a parent to change the text of one of its elements

Type: Procedure

Parameters: String sTagName String sValue

sTagNamethe name of the element
sValuethe value of the element

Procedure SetChildNodeValue String sTagName String sValue

Call: Send SetChildNodeValue sTagName sValue


SetChildNodeValue is not namespace aware and only works reliably for attributes with no namespaces and no prefixes. You should use SetChildElementValueNS in its place.

SetChildNodeValue allows a parent to change the text of one of its elements. The "Value" of an element is really stored as a cXmlDomTextNode object. In most cases this is overkill, and you want to just get at the value of an element the same way you get at the value of an attribute. This procedure lets you do this and hides the creation, finding and disposing of the text node.

See Also
