Properties for cXMLDOMDocumentFragment

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NameDescriptionDefining Class
Child_CountReturns the number of child objects the object containscObject
Delegation_ModeDetermines if and how unknown messages are delegatedcObject
HasChildNodesIndicates whether a node has child nodesBaseXmlDomNode
NameReturns the full name of the object including parentagecObject
Object_IdReturns the object handle of the object, can be used to determine if an object existscObject
Object_LabelReturns the short name of an objectcObject
ParentReturns the parent of an objectcObject
paXMLReturns an address of the XML representation of the node and its descendant nodesBaseXmlDomNode
pbParsedReturns true if node has been parsedBaseXmlDomNode
pbSpecifiedIndicates if attribute node is explicitly specified or derived from DTD or SchemaBaseXmlDomNode
peNeighborhoodDetermines how an object and its descendents participate in object neighborhood referencingcObject
piNodeTypeThe type of the nodeBaseXmlDomNode
psBaseNameReturns the node name with the namespace prefix removedBaseXmlDomNode
psNamespaceURIReturns the URI for the namespace as a stringBaseXmlDomNode
psNodeNameReturns a string containing the name that was set at the time the node was createdBaseXmlDomNode
psNodeValueContains the contents of a nodeBaseXmlDomNode
psPrefixReturns the element namespace prefixBaseXmlDomNode
psTextReturns a string containing the value of the nodeBaseXmlDomNode
psXMLReturns the XML representation of the node and its descendant nodes as a stringBaseXmlDomNode
pvNodeValueGets and Sets the content of an XML node using a Variant variableBaseXmlDomNode
pvXMLReturns the XML to a variant/BSTRBaseXmlDomNode