Methods for cXMLDOMProcessingInstruction

View method list in alphabetical order

AddAttributeProcedureEncapsulates creation and addition of attributes to a node
AddAttributeNSProcedureCreates an attribute node (that is namespace aware) and adds it to the element node
AddCDataSectionProcedureEncapsulates creation and addition of cDataSection nodes to a node
AddChildCommentProcedureEncapsulates creation and addition of comments to a node
AddChildNodeFunctionAdds a child node of specified type
AddChildProcessingInstructionProcedureEncapsulates creation and addition of processing instructions to a node
AddChildTextNodeProcedureEncapsulates creation and addition of text nodes to a node
AddElementFunctionCreates a new node and appends it to the list
AddElementProcedureCreates a new node and append it to the list
AddElementNSProcedureCreates a new Element node (that is namespace aware) and appends it to the list
AddElementNSFunctionCreates a new Element node (that is namespace aware), appends it to the list, and returns its object handle
AllChildNodesTextFunctionReturns a string that is the textual representation of the node and all of its descendants, excluding XML tags
AppendNodeFunctionAppends a node to the end of list
AttributeNodesFunctionCreates a collection of all attributes
AttributeValueNodeFunctionReturns the object handle of an atttribute node whose Name matches the passed value
AttributeValueNodeNSFunctionReturns the object handle of an atttribute node whose NamespaceURI and BaseName matches the passed values
BaseNameFromQNameFunctionReturns the BaseName from a Qualified Name string
ChangeNodeClassFunctionChanges the class of an XML node
ChildElementNSFunctionReturns the object handle of the first child element node whose NamespaceURI and BaseName matches the passed values
ChildElementValueNSFunctionFinds the first child element node that matches the passed NamespaceURI and BaseName and returns its text value
ChildNodesFunctionCreates a collection of all nodes
ChildNodeValueFunctionGets the "value" of an element
CloneNodeFunctionCreates a clone of the passed node
CreateAttributeNodeFunctionCreates an attribute in a document
CreateAttributeNodeNSFunctionCreates an namespace aware attribute and returns its object handle
CreateCDATASectionNodeFunctionCreates a cDataSection text node
CreateChildCommentFunctionCreates a child comment
CreateChildNodeFunctionCreates a node in the document and assign its interface to the new DataFlex object
CreateChildProcessingInstructionFunctionCreates a child processing instruction
CreateChildTextNodeFunctionCreates a child text node
CreateDocumentFragmentNodeFunctionCreates an XML Document Fragment node
CreateElementNodeFunctionCreates an XML Element node
CreateElementNodeNSFunctionCreates an XML Element node that is namespace aware
ElementNodesFunctionReturns a collection of just the elements
EnumerateAttributesProcedureProvides a way to enumerate through all child attributes
EnumerateElementsProcedureProvides a way to enumerate through all child elements
EnumerateNodesProcedureProvides a way to enumerate through all child nodes
FindNodeFunctionSearches an XML Document using an XPath query string returning the first matching node
FindNodeListFunctionSearches an XML Document using an XPath query string returning a list of matching nodes
FirstChildFunctionFinds the first child of a node and returns a handle to it
InsertBeforeNodeFunctionInserts a new node before the current node
IsElementNSFunctionReturns true if xml node is an element that matches the passed NamespaceURI and basename
LastChildFunctionFinds the last child of a node and returns a handle to it
NextElementNSFunctionReturns the object handle of the next sibling element node whose NamespaceURI and BaseName matches the passed values
NextNodeFunctionReturns the object's next sibling node and destroys the current node
NextSiblingFunctionReturns a handle to the next sibling of this node in the parent's child list
ParentNodeFunctionReturns an object that is the parent of the current node
PrefixNameFromQNameFunctionReturns the PrefixName from a Qualified Name string
PrefixToNamespaceURIFunctionFinds the NamespaceURi string for a prefix
PreviousSiblingFunctionReturns a handle to the previous sibling of this node in the parent's child list
RemoveNamedNodeFunctionRemoves the named node
RemoveNodeFunctionRemoves a node
ReplaceNodeFunctionReplaces a node
SetChildElementValueNSProcedureCreates or replaces a child element which matches the passed NamespaceURI and BaseName and sets the element's text value
SetChildNodeValueProcedureAllows a parent to change the text of one of its elements
XSLTransformationFunctionProcesses the node of the object receiving the message and all its children using the XSL stylesheet document passed, and returns the resulting transformation as a string
XSLTransformationToAddressFunctionProcesses the node of the object receiving the message and all its children using the XSL stylesheet document passed, and returns the resulting transformation as a pointer

Inherited Methods from cObject

ChildByIndexFunctionCan be used to iterate the direct children of an object
ClassSuperClassFunctionReturns the superclass of the passed class
CreateFunctionCreates an object based on the passed Class Id
CreateNamedFunctionCreates an object based on the passed Class Id and assigns it a name Name based on a passed name
DestroyProcedureDestroys the object that receives the message and any child objects of that object
Exit_ApplicationProcedureStarts the process of closing an application
IsClassOfClassFunctionDetermines whether the target class is part of the searched class's hierarchy
IsObjectOfClassFunctionDetermines whether the passed class is part of the object's class hierarchy
ObjectClassFunctionReturns the integer class ID assigned to the class this object is based on
Request_Destroy_ObjectProcedureUse the Destroy method instead [Obsolete]